
the confusion of money

@jin-out I do not know if you understand what is going on, my mother passed away without a will, but I knew she wanted my youngest sister to have her house because she did not have a house of her own since there was no will it has to go through probate. The middle sister has talked the younger one into putting it in both of their names. All I want of Mom's is a book that she tried to get back from the middle sister and she refused to give it back to her. So I told her to give me the book and if she doesn't do it, we could sell the property and all 3 of us will walk away with 75 thousand dollars each. It is the principle of it to me, I could use the money but it is not my objective to go after it. I want to honor my Mothers wishes.

A very noble wish and speaks of your character and integrity. It's sad how families can be broken due to greed. I know how that is because i've experienced it myself, seeing my family broken due to some illusion of treasure being left behind by the deceased.

They never wanted us to fight over these materialistic things, but fight we have. It's sad.

I hope you get your Mothers book and that your youngest sister gets her home.

Yes, it is sad how things like this can break a family, it is nothing new with this sister, she has always been a take, take, take type of person. If Mom would not have wanted the book back, I would let it go but I feel it is disrespectful to our Mother to let her keep it.
I am sorry that you have experienced this in your family, it is a terrible feeling that makes me have a sick in the pit of my stomach.

We are stronger for it.

She has to the end of probate, otherwise, I will not sign the papers for them to get the house. I am really tired of her greed. Right after Mom passed, I told my daughter, watch what happens, I bet "she" gets the one who the house goes to, to put her name on the property, too". 5 months later, the younger sister agreed to add "her" name on it.

My sis managed to convince an aunt to leave my sister all her money. My sister hated my aunt, HATED HER, still ridicules her today, years after her death, yet managed to get all her money. It makes me very sad to think that my aunt believed that my sister loved her.

I think our sisters should be sisters. They could use each other.

It might be fun to watch them do what they do to us to each other. I just wish they would both find love in their hearts, and stop operating on the level of hate.

That made me laugh, I could just imagine the evil they could pass back and forth. My sister needs a man, maybe if she had one she would focus on deceiving him. That was not nice of me, I could not wish that on anyone.