Child Of Nature (original poem)

in Abundance Tribe2 years ago


Things seem to fall apart
Topsy turvy becomes the norm

Money is lost
Tempers take stages
Wagons circle
Battles are waged

I wait silently
the dust to settle
my choices to appear
my path to clear
my dreams to take form

The current of nature,
synchronized with all things,
responds to the paddles in my hands
and I glide on a truth of my own making


I've been trying to write this poem for months now. As often happens, when I looked over the many pages of seeming drivel that I have written over those months, a very few lines became salient, and pieced nicely together to make a very simple whole.

Thank you for reading. I love you all very much.

image is by @wales, Dean Moriarty



I love how you circle back to your drafts. That's something I struggle with...

You can say

I am waiting nervously
the drafts to wrestle
their way back from the recycle bin and
my words to reveal their endings.

The love is mutual 🌻

lol love your poetic innovation on my poem!

It's often painful to read my "drafts" (which are really just drivel) and most of it languishes forever in a never-again-read document. Eric Vance Walton inspired me to go back and read some today, and I am so glad I did.


Ooh love this!!

@owasco is awesome like that 🌻

Mining past scribbles is important, I keep a lab notebook!

But things may not clean up anytime soon, so look past some of it; to reach your safe place.


Lovely. I can feel the slide, as a paddler myself.

I can't recall the last poem I wrote... My words keep failing me 😿

Beautifully written @owasco,

This one speaks to me so much with all of the uninvited craziness in my life right now, and I feel like I'm just waiting silently for my choices to appear as the dust settles.

Sometimes we just have to go with the current of nature and respond to things as they come.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

I guess I don't mean we should be passive, but rather we have to be careful not to impose any agenda on the situation. When we stick to an agenda, we can't see the options.

Something wonderful will come to you. I know it.

Lovely piece of taoist poetry. Well done:)

do you enjoy Taoist poems? Or Chinese spiritual poetry for that matter?

Taoist ... yes ... very much. I have not read much in the way of Chinese but I imagine that would also be wonderful.

What are your favourite Taoist poems?

Thanks love!

Oops, I'm too late to upvote... where have I been these days...??
Waiting for the dust to settle, for answers to appear... wagons circle, battles rage,
MONEY LOST .... that ... and impending war, and why am I not a prepper already, like so many here at Hive and Steemit. #homesteading has trended here for years now.
I soooo do not want to have to stockpile food for a year, forage, tend a garden, take up canning....
Thanks for writing - we all love YOU ver much!

Carol! Yes, where have you been?

Oh, beautifully done. Holding it to my heart, this reality you spin!❤️💕🤗

Thank you! I'm glad it gives you something to hold.

I am also living by these words
"Money is lost
Tempers take stages
Wagons circle
Battles are waged"

I finally told my sister to give me what I wanted or we could sell Mom's house, I could use the 75 grand that would be my part. Surprise, she agreed to give me the damn book, but she would not tell me when she will do it.

That is nutty. I hope she comes to her senses soon.

the confusion of money

@jin-out I do not know if you understand what is going on, my mother passed away without a will, but I knew she wanted my youngest sister to have her house because she did not have a house of her own since there was no will it has to go through probate. The middle sister has talked the younger one into putting it in both of their names. All I want of Mom's is a book that she tried to get back from the middle sister and she refused to give it back to her. So I told her to give me the book and if she doesn't do it, we could sell the property and all 3 of us will walk away with 75 thousand dollars each. It is the principle of it to me, I could use the money but it is not my objective to go after it. I want to honor my Mothers wishes.

A very noble wish and speaks of your character and integrity. It's sad how families can be broken due to greed. I know how that is because i've experienced it myself, seeing my family broken due to some illusion of treasure being left behind by the deceased.

They never wanted us to fight over these materialistic things, but fight we have. It's sad.

I hope you get your Mothers book and that your youngest sister gets her home.

Yes, it is sad how things like this can break a family, it is nothing new with this sister, she has always been a take, take, take type of person. If Mom would not have wanted the book back, I would let it go but I feel it is disrespectful to our Mother to let her keep it.
I am sorry that you have experienced this in your family, it is a terrible feeling that makes me have a sick in the pit of my stomach.

We are stronger for it.

She has to the end of probate, otherwise, I will not sign the papers for them to get the house. I am really tired of her greed. Right after Mom passed, I told my daughter, watch what happens, I bet "she" gets the one who the house goes to, to put her name on the property, too". 5 months later, the younger sister agreed to add "her" name on it.

My sis managed to convince an aunt to leave my sister all her money. My sister hated my aunt, HATED HER, still ridicules her today, years after her death, yet managed to get all her money. It makes me very sad to think that my aunt believed that my sister loved her.

I think our sisters should be sisters. They could use each other.

It might be fun to watch them do what they do to us to each other. I just wish they would both find love in their hearts, and stop operating on the level of hate.

That made me laugh, I could just imagine the evil they could pass back and forth. My sister needs a man, maybe if she had one she would focus on deceiving him. That was not nice of me, I could not wish that on anyone.

How your words spin pictures in my imagination @owasco! To think this is what came out of drafts! It seems like it just flowed spontaneously

Why thank you!