Let's go deep into the bowl of Original Green Oatmeal. What does it take to make a delicious meal of Kathy Stole My Bike? How do you get a Tweety Bird to become a Thief in the Night? How did this Icebreaker go from iJustine stocker to Christie Mayr Simpcast simp queen? What is the story arch of this Dennis The Menace? Who is Roy Merrick and the Memes World Productions in all of this? What did King Cobra JFS and Dead Wing Dork do in the fabrication of the Arnold Attic Basement Dungeon?
Sit back and relax as we explore Making Oatmeal which is a random outline sneak peak preview thumbnail on the life of Oatmeal Joey Arnold.
Roy Merrick died in 2019?
Making Oatmeal
Oatmeal Daily - 2023-03-02 - Thursday | Published in March of 2023
The purpose of this post is to outline things I made, thus the title of this article being Making Oatmeal. In doing so, let me quickly define make. What do I mean by things I've made in my life? Well, I mean the process of creating, designing, building, constructing, developing, forming, assisting in, aiding in, helping in, things, stuff, art, drawings, buildings, movies, songs, articles, websites, and what have you. Now, I may not want to generalize the definition of making to be broad as to include things I did. Like I won a dancing contest in like 1992. But I did not make the contest. I was in the contest. So it may be an open debate whether or not I would include winning a dance contest as something I made. I'm using that as an example of what I mean. I've made a few exceptions. But for the most part, I wanted to try to outline some of the things I made in life. But I don't always know when I made what.
The 1990s
Like I know I was building like tree houses, forts, random things, in the 1990s. I helped in building things on and off for years. I'm trying to include as many things as I can. I'm not mentioning every single video, drawing, article, photo, meme, etc. I'm mostly jotting down random things from the top of my head. Consider this a quick introduction outline preview trailer sneak peak at my life. I've included a few links for more information. I've mentioned and referenced many different things from my life and beyond. I've not taken the time to explain what those things are.
I was born in 1985. I started drawing more often probably in 1990. Probably less so and less often before that. I think I have some of my drawings from 1990 and beyond. Not sure if I have anything from before 1990 minus when I was in Awana Cubbies in 1989. Again, here is an outline of some of the things I made in my life. I cannot really remember everything I did. I left out a lot of details. But I tried mentioning the highlights as follows. But please consider this entry to be a random outline of a few items. This is not really a resume CV portfolio of all of my projects, my work.
In 1990, I drew a little.
In 1991, I made Bart Simpson art. I was also drawing Indians, people. As I got older, I started drawing more and more. One of the main themes of the 1990s was drawing. Most of my childhood happened during that decade. In the 2000s during high school, I took a lot of art classes.
In 1992, I made a Mt. St. Helen comic. On our way to California in December, I made the Infinity Complex idea within my brain. I was thinking about eternity and what it would mean to count to infinity forever while living in it. It would take an eternity to count to infinity.
In 1993, I made the Balloon Oatmeal idea personified in a picture of myself on a platform with wheels and balloons. The concept was that I would travel the world as an evangelism, a motivational speaker, and/or as a white Michael Jackson singer musician. I was also drawing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT).
In 1994, I was drawing. I eventually started drawing these pyramid like houses either in like 1994 or before like 1997. I was handing out drawings to friends like Cynthia and Belinda. Well, some of them would look at my drawings. I think I gave some of them some of my art and/or they were just looking at them. So perhaps I got some of the drawings back. But I think my intent at that time was to make art and give them away to people.
In 1995, I helped in the making of the CCBC Christmas play by reciting my lines as a shepherd who saw a star. I made a script for the Power Rangers Kids I movie we made in 1996.
In 1996, I helped in the making of Power Ranger Kids I. I made the movie with the help of my brother, younger sister, mom, Bill & Janet Bailey, Tiffany & Michael Cumbo, and Puffer or Poffer the cat. Not sure how to spell his name. We also made other home videos that year too.
In 1997, I made Power Ranger Kids II. Like 1996, we made home videos in 1997 as well. I started a diary. In like 1997 or 1998, I made the Action Stripe or Action Strip comic series starring Sparky & Jimmy Cricket Ninja.
In 1998, I would draw and write. I was probably still making the Action Strip series.
In 1999, I made a newspaper series for my FGG trailer park, Rose Grove.
In 2000, I made Ra Ra. In 2000, I helped in the making of the Idaho Trip.
In 2001, I made Red Dog while filming Gangster Run with my brother Rick in July. After that, I made A Cat's Life. I built like a tool chest thing out of wood in high school.
In 2002, I made art related stuff. I was taking art classes. I made a jar thing out of clay.
In 2003, I made The Year Books series. In 2003, I helped in the making of the Girl's Basketball for that season.
In 2004, I made my Pocket Ball Table for my Senior Project which is required for graduating my Forest Grove High School (FGHS). I donated the table to my Hillsboro Community Baptist Church (HCBC).
Probably in 2005 or before 2007, I made L4OJ which is Limitations For Oatmeal Joey.
In 2006, I helped in the making of the Quebec Trip.
In 2007, I helped in the making of Revolution Hawaii II. In 2007, I helped in the making of Get Your Joy On (GYJO) with Jeffrey Walters, Mejee Lutcher, and others.
In 2008, I made Never Let Go, a song on guitar. Also wrote I Just Want To See You Smile on piano. I made Ice Breaker Oatmeal at Camp Kuratli.
In 2009, I helped in the making of Spaceman & Diaper Boy, Lady in Red as Oatmeal transitioned into a woman, and also the giant baby. After that, I made Animals Are Dying. I made my Ojawall channel on YouTube which was suspended in 2017.
In 2010, I made Arnold Attic, the story of Billy Breaker, as a cover to Forty Four Tapes of the Forest Grove Ghetto (FGG) home videos of Oatmeal Joey Arnold. I made a Salvation Army Soldier out of me. I helped in the making of the Camp Redwood Glen skits with Farmer Hanna.
In 2011, I helped in the making of Metal Gear Joey. I helped in the making of the PASS basketball camp program.
In 2012, I made Vietnam Oatmeal. I made Original Oatmeal. I helped in the making of road trips to Mount St. Helens and to the Tillamook Cheese Factory. I made a story relating to when I was thrown in jail that year.
In 2013, I made Vietnam Kathy Bike, FYG, Hanoi Anna. I do not mean I fabricated the story. It happened. But I made it a big deal by talking about it online. I made videos. I wrote about it on Facebook. I posted photos. I started an open debate with Kathy and others. The Kathy Stole My Bike became almost like a comedy bit. I'm not necessarily saying it's a funny joke. I'm saying it was a major theme that year. It was extremely controversial.
In 2014, I made Leaf Pagoda Oatmeal, Remi Cafe Oatmeal, Circle K Oatmeal, etc, not that I fabricated these stories same as the 2013 Vietnam Kathy Bike story, it's that I kept on talking about these stories many times. I made Joeyarnoldvn on Facebook. I made Old Ink Oatmeal. I made ASOV Oatmeal on the Another side of Vietnam (ASOV) group on Facebook starting that year.
Do you think I'm sorry about all of that?
In 2015, I made Oatmeal 2015 videos. LEGO English. Park English. Old Ink ended. The passport visa story.
In 2016, I made Oatmeal 2016 videos. Anna Barbie stories.
In 2017, I made Joeyarnoldvn on Steemit. I made articles, videos.
In 2018, I helped in the making of the Book Shed. I made articles, videos.
In 2019, I helped in the making of the 2019 Oatmeal Brothers Trip. I made articles, videos.
In 2020, I made a chicken house. We extended the covered patio for the firewood. Made fence go bye bye. I made articles, videos.
In 2021, I created the Lets Go Brandon group on Facebook. I made articles, videos.
In 2022, I helped in the making of The Memes World Productions documentary series on Who is Oatmeal Joey Arnold. I made Dead Wing Oatmeal. I made 2 snow hills. I made articles, videos.
In 2023, I helped in the making of the 2023 Oatmeal Brothers Trip. I made a snow hill. I made articles, videos.
That's a lot of making through the years!
Only thing better would be making an Iron Shield.