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RE: Happy Summer Caturday From Curator Cat!

in Caturday3 years ago

Thank you for stopping by, and for the kinds words!

Building a presence on Hive does take time and patience... I have been at it since March 2018! But it has been fun to be part of all the ups (and downs!) along the way.

The cat communities are a bit on the slow side here. @saboin does a nice job with the Caturday Community and I post there every Saturday.

I personally started the Hive Cats Community but I haven't had all that much time to support and develop it. Trying to change that, though!



If being part of something for so long must have their stories, I have noticed how some older users talk to each other in publications and it is nice to see how they have formed a bond on this platform. I have also realized that, that some communities are somewhat abandoned (especially those of cats) which is a sad thing, but I suppose that if we do our bit, people will cheer up I hope that Hive Cats will be reborn soon !!