Showcase Sunday: My Four Tiers of Beer, or simply what I can or can't drink

in BEER4 years ago

I have always been a poor beer drinker. When I was younger I remember partaking in several ‘pub crawls'. This entails mindlessly drinking from one alehouse to the next to see how many can be visited before you pass out in the street.


The lead drinker, often a raving alcoholic could often be seen leaving the first pub, with the rest of the ‘beer gang' trying desperately to consume their beer in one go in an effort to keep up.

Drink up lads, hurry up’, you would hear him say, a sardonic look in his eye knowing that the rest of the hapless party could not possibly keep up.

The 'bad drinkers' like me would be desperately trying to down at least half a pint with beer slopping down one's front then ditching the beer glass outside on someone's window ledge or in a passing field.

...'ever wondered why you see beer glasses in the most unexpected places, now you know why'...

It was all completely brainless and dumb, but that's what we youths did then. I managed around THREE establishments before I pulled out.


To be honest, I have never been in the state of ‘legless', or ‘paralytic', both terms that may or not be still used, I don't know. Most of my friends have experienced this state of, ‘I can't remember anything the night before', but not me

THREE AND A HALF pints is the most I have ever consumed and I clearly remember that occasion. I paid dearly for it the next day with a hangover the size of Big Ben.

Those days are long gone but I still enjoy a cold beer. Age has further restricted me to certain conditions that prohibit me from drinking even less than I could before. I'm talking ONE beer now and that is the max I can ingest.

Between headaches, acid reflux and basically my body telling me, ‘No more of this stuff mate', I have had to be sensible and obey its rules.

This weekend @bingbabe bought me a new beer I have not tasted before. It turned out to be a ‘Type 2' beer (see below). I didn't have a good sleep again.


Throughout the years of trying different beers, I have mentally categorized FOUR types that my body accepts or rejects.


  • Type 4 (Very Bad, Headache WHILE drinking, Choking all night with Acid Reflux, Full Hangover) - Becks, Stella Artois, English Lagers.

  • Type 3 (Bad, Choking all night with Acid Reflux, Full Hangover) - Peroni (sometimes), English Bitters.

  • Type 2 (Still Bad, Choking all night with Acid Reflux) - Peroni (sometimes), Franziskaner Weissbier.

  • Type 1 (Good, no bad effects) - Any beer drinking in native Germany (so far), Konig Ludwig Weissbier, Tripel Karmeliet, Peroni (In Italy).


When I say ‘Full Hangover’, I really mean it. One Beer and I suffer until around 3 pm in the afternoon. The defacto time when the hangover ceases, or with me it is!

Peroni is a very popular bottled beer in England and for me, it falls into several categories. The only one I am really comfortable is the one in native Italy.


It must all come down to the ingredients, or the quality of the beer. I can't say I rate anything made in the UK as everything I try is either Type 4 or 3 at best.

There are no clear-cut results either, some beers can be one type and then another type next time, that's if they get a second chance.



...'beers I can drink with no problems. Konig was bought in native Germany, Tripel was bought at Waitrose in the UK.'...

There are many other beers that fit into these categories but as I have never thought to write about it, I simply can't remember which are which. The ones noted have been recent experiments.

Being not able to drink much could be seen as a blessing. It's not particularly good for you, it can lead to all kinds of health problems and it can elevate your gut to a considerable size, read, ‘beer-belly'. One beer a week is enough for me, excluding holiday periods.

So what do you think?

  • Can you drink as much beer as you like?
  • Can you still manage pub crawls visiting at least 30 and then you can pass a sobriety test?
  • Are you ‘legless' right now while reading about this?
  • Are you the type who boasts about how many beers you drank last night?

I never understood the last one, maybe it's just a ‘British' thing?


This is a post for Showcase Sunday, (the @nonameslefttouse idea) and is a repeat of the original post dated 16th April 2018 with some additional content. Call it a 'Special Edition'

I had been posting on Steemit at the time for just over a month and felt this one gained me some traction and followers. You always remember your 'breakout' moment.

We need a Showcase Sunday Community. It appears that communities no longer cost anything to create. Are you able to create one @nonameslefttouse?


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I can't drink as much as I used to, but I was always a bit of a lightweight. I had less than 3 pints at the beer festival of various beers and was starting to feel a bit unsteady. Felt a little delicate the next day, but not too bad. I generally have one pint at the music sessions and am likely to have to get up in the night. Cost of getting older. But I see others just put away pint after pint. If nothing else it's expensive. I can enjoy myself without alcohol.

I wonder if it's genetic? Did either of your parents suffer in the same way?

There is a type zero...


My father consumed about as much as me but had lots of spirits hanging around the house while I grew up. I never touched them as they smelled foul (as they do to a young lad).

My mother barely drank anything. As to their tolerances, I couldn't say as I never saw either drunk.

My father's brother did drink himself to death, or so I'm told. Is that really a valid way of dying?

Well it's not a bad trait to have, it is a poison after all.

I've always thought Nicholas Cage's character in Leaving Las Vegas is one of the most tragic characters out there, so drinking yourself to death, not the greatest way to go!

Oh, that's shocking that you can't drink real ale without ill effects!

I find that if I drink lager or carbonated beer I get aggressive after about three pints whereas on ale I just get mellow and into the "you're my bestest friend" mindset.

That was an interesting angle on the bullying side of pub crawls - I'd never thought of it like that.. Now wondering if it's something I was guilty of in the past - quite probably, so I apologise, on behalf of others.

I'm a hardened beer drinker but not as much as I was 20 years ago. I think my bladder gives way before my legs do these days, so it's a few years since I was incapacitated by beer.
There are definitely beers I don't sleep well after (Bishop Finger being one), but often it'll be a switch to whisky or wine that ruins my sleep.

That was an interesting angle on the bullying side of pub crawls - I'd never thought of it like that.. Now wondering if it's something I was guilty of in the past - quite probably, so I apologise, on behalf of others.

Ah, you were an ex crawl ringleader? It wasn't so much bullying, more pressure to keep up with the rest and a night of billy-no mates if you could not conform.

Missing a pint, or spilling half of it down your shirt in an attempt to cheat was breaking the rules!

My body rejecting beer has likely made me a lot healthier than some of my old mates. Some have huge beer bellies now.

This is a damn good question.

Yes, I changed my way enjoying beer and prefer to have just one or two good ones instead of just 5 or 8 normal beers.

Here is a bit of digital !BEER for you

Nice reading.
Seems that your body doesn't respond well to substances or combinations contained in beer.
It would probably be best for your health to avoid these drinks.

What I think about your questions:

Can you drink as much beer as you like?

No, of course not. But also I can't drink as much water as I like. Or milk. Or whiskey...

Can you still manage pub crawls visiting at least 30 and then you can pass a sobriety test?

No, but I never in my life visited 30 pubs at crawl...

Are you ‘legless' right now while reading about this?

No, of course I understand that some people do not like son for example...

Are you the type who boasts about how many beers you drank last night?

No, I'm tasting beers :)

Hmm, very interesting. Stella tends to mess up my stomach pretty good. More than other beers, so I am totally with you there. I like the tasted and it doesn't impact me when I am drinking it, but the next day. Yikes!

In Glasgow we have a famous pub crawl based around our tiny subway. It's 12 or 13 stops and requires a drink at each one. It's quite the achievement. I've done it three times but find myself reluctant for a fourth.

I'm not surprised those beers above make your feel rough, eeurgh!

Were you one of those crawl ringleaders? You can always tell the type, they have finished the pint before most of the others have swigged the first mouthful!

I'm not surprised those beers above make your feel rough, eeurgh!

I was a long time ago, deep in the eighties when Kestral, Skol and Carling Black Label ruled the kegs. Terrible, beers.

Lol. Nah, I am like a second in command type that role through an empty figurehead on these things!!

'Second in command' and a fourth crawl was proving something not to look forward too?

I did 2 possibly 3 crawls but finished none of them. Does anyone finish besides the organizers?

Maybe it's different down there but up here it's sacrilege not to finish!! The shame, I world have had to go live in Canada or something if I didn't finish one!!! :0D

I never finished a single one was hastily ejected from the 'real lad's' crawl gangs. The shame, the humility...

Away!!! Away to Canada with you!!! :0p

Beer is the only alcohol I can consume without an issue. Well. I shouldn't say that because I used to drink way too much. Still, if I feel like it, these days, I can drink it all day and be fine the next. As long as it's a normal beer. @meesterboom samples a lot of those craft beers and that stuff would make me sick after six for sure. Headaches and hangovers.

As for the Showcase Sunday community. I really don't want to be in charge of anything at the moment. If anyone else wants to, they're free to do it. It's not a concept I need to own or whatever. I am really happy you folks kept it going while I was away though. Very cool of you all.

As long as it's a normal beer.

LOL, whats normal beer in Canada? The Budweiser stuff or Coors? Neither sat well with me.

I wouldn't mind a go at the @meesterboom beers' but sadly we don't have a BearMan around these parts to try em. It's probably just as well, I know he suffers the day after drinking some of that treacle tart flavor stuff, what chance is there for me to survive?

As for the Showcase Sunday community. I really don't want to be in charge of anything at the moment. If anyone else wants to, they're free to do it.

I have 2 communities already if nobody creates it soon I'll stand up and do it.

Normal beer as in classic recipe. Budweiser and Coors are USA brands. Many of the USA brands are one step above horse piss. There's one I like that's popular in western Canada. It's called Pilsner. Plain and simple. Corona Extra coming out of Mexico is a good light beer. Great for summer when the beers start going down at noon and don't stop until there's no wood left to burn late at night. Craft beers, I'll try and I have a good hook up but if I'm drinking beer, I don't usually want to stop at one or two. If it's sweet, I can't touch it.

Maybe someday we'll all get together and Meesterboom there can teach us how to drink.

And yeah, if you want to set that up, go right ahead. To be honest I am having a fuck of a time trying to find all these posts now.

Many of the USA brands are one step above horse piss.

I had many a bad head drinking pitchers of horse piss when I lived in the US.

I have heard of Corona, I think it made it over here though Pilsner by a brand name I have not. To me, that's a type of regular beer and not wheat beer.

Maybe someday we'll all get together and Meesterboom there can teach us how to drink.

Yes, he is the master beer drinker on the chain, though @daan has shown me some beer's in the past as well as @zekepickleman.

I always thought all the Brits could easily down wt least 2 or 3 pints no problem, that seem to be the case most times when I went out for drinks with the guys after work. And that was on an empty stomach as well!!

It is the case with most, but I don't fit into that category. It doesn't do me favours as one can get 'along' while drinking with the boss if you get my meaning.

You're doing better than me. I have to spread a bottle out over three days these days!

Ouch, that is bad especially if you crave the stuff. I drink this stuff now and barely get any problems. They sell it at Tesco, 4 for 5 quid.


Never tried that one. I was thinking of trying Corona Lager in case it's a secret antidote...

LOL, just found that...


Oh no, my plan is foiled!

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