
This morning, He was especially trying my patience
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We had hard rain and T storms, so of course He wasn't going to go out, but come FOUR F**KING AM, He started playing, running across me etc

I got up to pee, he did his usual "come on daddy, follow me" act going towards the door
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I was mad, I said "if you think I'm going to get out of bed at FOUR O'CLOCK to go feed you, you are wrong"
When I did get up, and check, His bowl was completely empty... poor baby was starving to death, so I put a handful in around 6:45, then when I went to "make a deposit*, he followed me and I tried to get a video of him, but didn't hit the right button, got a still photo instead

He knows what he wants and expresses it, gorgeous to have a pet around keeping you on your toes. !LOLZ

On my toes, and sometimes grating my teeth ha ha ha