Is the morning usually this beautiful?

in BDCommunity4 years ago (edited)


I hope you're having a great day.

It was around 6 in the morning, maybe.
I've opened my eyes hearing sounds of many things and I don't know how my sleep left me at this early in the morning. I was still in the local village and I wondered how I got up so early in the morning? And that too without any alarm.


To be noted, I was nurturing this habit of sleeping late and getting up late.

But after I stayed there in the village for only two days, I was sleeping early and getting up early and that's like automatically. I didn't notice it the previous day as I slept after around a minimum of 24 hours but it came to my notice this morning that I was getting a new habit for which I was kinda struggling for around 6 months.

I didn't even try to be lazy this morning and I left the house right after I grabbed the toothbrush with gel and I started brushing my teeth on the way while I was walking and enjoying the fresh morning air of the village.


The tiny road there seemed so fresh and quiet with only a few peoples around.

The photographer mind was thinking "Not going anywhere without taking some photographs of such an environment.

So, I started walking with my phone in one hand and the toothbrush in the other hand and I was searching for something that's worth a shot.


Look, what I've found. No, I'm not saying that this is an awesome photo and it worth a lot but I was surprised seeing this little kid playing outside at this early in the morning.

It is so beautiful that the children of the village still play outside. The kids around me where I live and even some kids of my relatives are used to playing indoors via mobile phones or computers. These kids are getting fat and sick every day of being in the home all the time so I think village kids are quite lucky in this way.


I've found this school with a big playground when I started moving forwards. It reminded me of my school life when we had to go to school almost every day and that's too in the early morning. Friends, classmates, teachers everywhere... ahhh, those days. I wish I can go back to those days at least once in my life. This school seemed so quiet cause it's still closed for COVID-19 and no one knows for sure the exact time when these educational institutions will be opened but I hope all this gets over soon.



I've found green leaves of a papaya tree with dewdrops in the front yard of that school and it was too beautiful.


I don't remember the time when I started loving green color this much but it seems I was quite crazy about this color I like this color too much at present especially for these things.

Suddenly my step-brother came with a motorcycle and I hopped in and he was driving it so rough that I was kinda scared.


Captured this one on the way and I had to struggle to capture this one as the speed of the motorcycle was so fast but at last, I think I got a nice one. That's a man carrying lots of betel leaves to the market, maybe. So, we went to the market and then I went to the place where my mom was staying for the last days.


I captured this one from that place and how do you think this photo is? Generally, I don't have any gadgets for macro photographs neither I have any special camera but still, I try to capture macro photographs like this with what I have.

So, after that morning, after seeing all these beautiful things in the early in the morning, my question is that...

Is the morning usually this beautiful?

"The End"

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"Stay Home, Stay Safe & Let's Beat Corona".


Love to see picture from Other countries! So extremly different from here

Nice to know that.
I hope you're doing fine, my friend.

I do !
Here is the winter slowly coming in.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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