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RE: If we don't find acceptance in our own Family...

in BDCommunity2 years ago

As you started with Podcast it reminded me of the ones I used to listen to for a long time hosted by Khalid Farhan. Especially the one with Tasnim Jara and another one with Seeam Shahid Noor were my favorite episodes.

Just a few years back, I passed through that stage that you are referring to. Parents prioritize their own dreams and wishes for their children to possess, I don't see much harm in it unless it gets excessive. When the parents get too much strict with their words and wish to impose on their children often does damage, in most cases, they get slipped out of their fingers. As I have passed this stage recently so I can see the results now.

My family was never strict or careless about me, have given me enough instructions and freedom so that I could move as I wished to go keeping them in my mind. Wanna hear a real story? I had a friend who was too good at Biology and he got himself admitted to prepare for Engineering due to his family, at the end he got no seat in any engineering institutes, luckily he had sat for medical admission and secured a seat there, his fortune dragged him where he was interested, maybe if the family had cooperated more then he might have done better than he scored. Have seen people getting spoiled too, just because of the lack of cooperation from their families. We seek no more than a little cooperation to hear our needs and sort things out peacefully as our abilities.


I usually listen to podcasts from the west. Though I have seen some of the episodes of Khalid Farhan. To be honest, we need to learn and develop a lot to talk about "to the point" in podcasts. Most Bangla channels are so casual, I can't make that much time to listen to them. But that's only my opinion, you enjoy yours :)
Good to hear about your experience as a child. That's what we all need.
Talking about 'example'! I'm the prime, probably.

I was being a straight A student from grade 1 to University. But my parents were never happy, or satisfied because I refused to sit for medical admission. Graduation from Dhaka University and being department top was never enough for them.

Now I DON'T CARE ANYMORE about what they say. lol

This is how things work, you know. We make our own way.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience. Have a good day.

To be honest, we need to learn and develop a lot to talk about "to the point" in podcasts. Most Bangla channels are so casual,

Yeap, that's why I just mentioned two of his episodes because they were worth it. Both of the guests had so much to give, not like the other Bengali guests who just talked about some random time-passing stuff.

I will check them. Thanks for letting me know. :)