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RE: #AlphabetHunt letter I - my version

in Feel Good • 4 years ago

What a beautiful post @bambuka, from all these photos I love the ferns in the first two photos most, the shots are great and I like the title Interview 🙂
This Isthmus forest looks so wide and you could probably hike for days without meeting anyone apart from bears and wolfes ;)

Mr. Monocle has shown once again how he can change boring traffic lights to something beautiful and interesting.

You have selected some very nice I words and photos, @bambuka, and you have made a great #AlphabetHunt post. I wish you a nice evening and a wonderful Sunday tomorrow 😀

Cheers and !BEER


Oh, I love these ferns. They are like people:)
Unfortunately, there are practically no such wild forests on the Karelian Isthmus. There are wolves and bears, but there are many more people.
Mr. Monocle learned these things from Mr. Helios. They can argue in this skill :-))

Glad to see you and thank you for your kind words!
I wish you good weather for tomorrow :)

Cheers! аnd !BEER

I love it when it is all green overgrown with ferns.

I wouldn't mind the bears and wolfes as long as they are not hungry 😉 but if I see there are many people I would turn around and go into another direction 😉

These light effects which those two Misters produce are great.

You are very welcome @bambuka, and I hope your weather will be nice too tomorrow.
I would be satisfied if the weather tomorrow is at least the same as today - cloudy and windy, but warm and dry 😉

Cheers and !BEER

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Thanks so much @johannpiber :)

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@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
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Thank you very much @bambuka ... cheers and !BEER @investinthefutur 😉

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