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RE: G is GROWING a vegetable GARDEN in pots 😍

in Feel Good β€’ 4 years ago

Hehehe, a fun mistake. I was so eager, and did not read the rules... so me, sometimes! But not in my professional work... like I can be ocd at work.
Great to see yo, my friend. Me too... my Hive time is so crazy! And I will see you later on your blog, my friend @bigsambucca! Take care πŸ₯°πŸŒΊπŸ€™

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Β 4 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Definitely a fun mistake but not all lost it still worked out good as an entertainment 🀣

I known what you mean there are just not enough hours in the day but we do what we can but you seem to do well even managing to still post on Steem good on you why not i do try but just don't have enough time you take care and stay safe my friend @silversaver888 😊 🌞 😎