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RE: Chilling out or meeting?

in Q Inspired-by-Music3 years ago

Starting with a Ramble
Bad Bad Bad parents! They are not supposed to come to the school because they like this, but they shall do this for their own children? I believe, a hot sunny afternoon is not an excuse. Many of those days in Spain. More default weather than anything else. And what about the respect (or better said: disrespect) to the school, and all the teachers? Bad Bad Bad parents who decided not to show up!

I truly thought I wrote a post about and/or including the music of this soundtrack. I have no memory anymore of the movie, but I remember I liked it. And the music, not 100% my style, but still, I like it. It gives these happy vibes, the impression of being in some beautiful countryside on a nice sunny day in Spring.

Hivesearcher can be brutal...

Screenshot 2021-06-27 at 10.24.08.png Amelie is in my catalogue, but that's a whole different Amelie.


Was the first paragraph your contribution to the SadSunday rant? 🤣😉

I will let them know that the nutty one was not so pleased with their not showing up attitude. Yes I know, they should come because of their children, they have to engage :) and support them, and this was one of the things in that whole process. And the school also prepared for each of them a photo of the students and some small sweet 🧁🍬🍭detail. They missed it 🤷🏻‍♀️

Ow, you had Amelie post, but yes, not the same one. Should I check that Amelie or I wait for instructions and hints ? 😇

Was the first paragraph your contribution to the SadSunday rant? 🤣😉

YES! :) hahahaha


You can check. This Amelie is pretty ok in her techno stuff. That said, most of what she does nowadays, is not too much to my liking anymore. She went to route of becoming hugely popular (pushed by business people around her) which has its effects on their DJ gigs.

You can check

I can. I have now two months a freedom, maybe if I start now to read all your posts I can finish until September... If I read quickly 😋

Off topic, regarding to this morning "doubts" , seems that everything is working, for now 🤞 🙂

Here I have the answer, 2 months of vacation!

As one month passed, so just one left 😅