Spread The Vibes: "Mental Health Awareness" + Original Song (ENG-ESP) by @fernanblog

in Q Inspired-by-Music3 years ago (edited)


Hello friends of Hive, this time I'm going to share an initiative in which I was mentioned and I must respond to follow the dynamics. The initiative is called "Spread The Vibes", which was started by the user @edje and later joined by more and more users, specifically musicians.

Hola amigos de Hive, en esta oportunidad voy a compartir una iniciativa en la cual me mencionaron y debo responder para seguir la dinámica. La iniciativa se llama “Spread The Vibes” (Difundir las Vibras), la cual empezó el usuario @edje y que posteriormente se irían uniendo más y más usuarios, específicamente músicos.

It is incredible the power we have when writing a post, that information can reach anyone and generate an impact on them, for this reason I will be very meticulous with my writing because the subject I will address will be very important.

Es increíble el poder que tenemos al escribir un post, esa información puede llegarle a cualquier persona y generar en ella un impacto, por tal motivo seré bien meticuloso con mi escrito ya que la temática que abordaré será bien importante.

Thanks to my dear friend @mipiano for inviting me, I don't know how many apologies I have to give you already hahaha, but finally I could find a moment of total concentration to organize my ideas and the content that I will publish here.

Gracias a mi querida amiga @mipiano por invitarme, no sé cuantas disculpas debo darte ya jajaja, pero finalmente pude encontrar un momento de concentración total para organizar mis ideas y el contenido que aquí publicaré.

So let's get started... let's go in order:

Así que empecemos… vamos por orden:

1- Reaction to the music that was shared with you:
1- Reacción a la música que fue compartida contigo:

Here we start the adventure. My friend @mipiano in her post - which I will leave the link in part 4 - brought an artist that I really did not know; I have listened to many pianists, but this particular one I had not had the pleasure of listening to him, he is Ryuichi Sakamoto, of Japanese origin. Basically he is a genius composer because he transports you in a matter of seconds to another dimension where sounds that subtly touch your consciousness abound but at an unconscious level do an incredible job.

Aquí empezamos la aventura. Mi amiga @mipiano en su post - el cual dejaré el enlace en la parte 4 - trajo a un artista que realmente desconocía; he escuchado a muchos pianistas, pero este en particular no había tenido el placer de escucharle, se trata de Ryuichi Sakamoto, de origen japonés. Básicamente es un genio componiendo ya que te traslada en cuestión de segundos a otra dimensión donde abundan sonidos que tocan sutilmente tu consciencia pero que a nivel inconsciente hacen un trabajo increíble.

So incredible that my friend dared to play one of his musical pieces called "Energy Flow". The first impression I have while listening to it is that at the beginning it offers us a slightly melancholic tone, but as the minute goes by, there is an abrupt interruption of some notes that change the panorama and make us see some hope and joy in the moment. This melody is a mixture of emotions, it seems that at the beginning there is sadness, then it tells us something like: I will be victorious, to later arrive at the moment of the important decision, which sounds a little complex but not impossible.

Tan increíble es, que mi amiga se atrevió a tocar una de sus piezas musicales llamada “Energy Flow” (Flujo de Energía). La primera impresión que tengo mientras la escucho es que de entrada nos ofrece un tono un poco melancólico, pero con el pasar del minuto, hay una interrupción abrupta de unas notas que cambian el panorama y hacen ver algo de esperanza y alegría en el momento. Esta melodía es una mezcla de emociones, parece que al principio hay tristeza, luego nos dice algo como: de esta saldré victorioso, para posteriormente llegar al momento de la decisión importante, que suena un poco compleja pero no imposible.

The denouement is sublime because it seems that the light appears on the way and generates a different state of calm than the one felt while the song is playing. I simply loved it, I enjoyed it very much, and about my friend's performance, you be the judge: isn't she magical at what she does? I'm sure she didn't have much trouble performing this piece because she is a pro, well done my friend, congratulations, You Rock!

El desenlace es sublime porque al parecer la luz aparece en el camino y genera un estado de calma distinto al que se siente mientras suena la canción. Sencillamente me encantó, la disfruté mucho, y sobre la ejecución de mi amiga, juzguen ustedes: ¿no es ella mágica en lo que hace? Estoy seguro que no tuvo mucho problema para interpretar esta pieza porque ella es una pro, ¡bien hecho amiga, enhorabuena, You Rock!

2- Your musical selection and a related story
2- Tu selección musical y una historia relacionada

In this part comes the central axis of this post. The song that I will present to you was written by me, it is based on a true story, whose content has extracts from the verbatum of a patient that I attended during my beginnings as a psychologist, for that reason I have called this Spread The Vibes: "Mental Health Awareness".

En esta parte viene digamos el eje central de este post. La canción que les presentaré fue escrita por mí, es basada en una historia real, cuyo contenido tiene extractos del verbatum de un paciente que atendí durante mis inicios como psicólogo, por tal motivo he llamado a este Spread The Vibes: “Mental Health Awareness” (Difunde las Vibras: "Concientización sobre Salud Mental").

We are in a distorted world context, our reality has been dissociated and we are at a point where we are psychically vulnerable. This level of vulnerability varies from person to person, but it is a fact that we have all been negatively affected by what happened.

Estamos en un contexto mundial distorsionado, nuestra realidad fue disociada y nos encontramos en un punto donde estamos vulnerables a nivel psíquico. Este nivel de vulnerabilidad varía en cada persona, pero es un hecho que todos hemos sido afectados negativamente por lo sucedido.

First there was panic, uncertainty, and a lot of chaos; then as the situation evolved we entered the most difficult phase which was isolation. We isolated ourselves from the environment, from our loved ones, from routine, from everything that was happening in the outside world; we isolated ourselves so much that we became isolated from ourselves, because the impending fear lurked in even the strongest of us.

Primero hubo pánico, incertidumbre, y mucho caos; luego mientras evolucionaba la situación entramos en la fase más difícil que fue el aislamiento. Nos aislamos del ambiente, de nuestros seres queridos, de la rutina, de todo lo que acontecía en el mundo exterior; nos aislamos tanto que llegamos a aislarnos de nosotros mismos, porque el miedo inminente acechaba hasta en el más fuerte.

Being at home we learned to manage our emotions more so as not to despair, however, the confinement took its toll and we became prisoners of ourselves...

Estando en nuestros hogares aprendimos a manejar más nuestras emociones para no desesperar, sin embargo, el encierro hizo estragos y nos volvimos prisioneros de nosotros mismos…

During my years practicing as a psychologist I had never seen so many disorders emerging in record time; I know that using the word "disorder" has a great and negative weight, but that was precisely what emerged, another silent pandemic where the human being was his own enemy.

Durante mis años ejerciendo como psicólogo jamás había visto tantos trastornos saliendo a flote en tiempo récord; sé que usar la palabra “trastorno” tiene un peso grande y negativo, pero eso fue precisamente lo que emergió, otra pandemia silenciosa donde el ser humano era su propio enemigo.

Conflicts, criminal behavior such as homicides, for example; suicides, generalized anxiety attacks, phobias, systematic intra-family abuse, in short, a large number of problems that became the main concern of the public health system of each country.

Conflictos, conductas delictivas como los homicidios, por ejemplo; suicidios, ataques de ansiedad generalizada, fobias, maltrato sistemático intrafamiliar, en fin, un número grande de problemas que se volvieron la preocupación principal del sistema de salud público de cada país.

This led, not only the WHO (World Health Organization), but all governments to give priority to mental health, as the collective hysteria was magnified as the days went by...

Esto llevó, no solo a la OMS, sino a todos los gobiernos a darle prioridad a la salud mental ya que la histeria colectiva se magnificaba con el pasar de los días…

Campaigns were carried out through social networks and all the media, to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on the human mind, this helped to reach a state of tense calm that benefited decision making at all levels, in order to advance in the strategies to contain the virus.

Se hicieron campañas por redes sociales y por todos los medios de comunicación, para mitigar los efectos de la pandemia en la mente del ser humano, esto ayudó a que se llegara a un estado de tensa calma que benefició la toma de decisiones a todo nivel, para así poder avanzar en las estrategias para contener el virus.

I make all this analysis because currently, although there are fewer restrictions, but we are on the verge of a more severe outbreak by the Omicron variant, we cannot lower our guard as citizens, nor lower it as rational people. All this that we live must somehow leave us a transcendent learning that is to take care of ourselves every day to strengthen self-love and therefore the love of others, to promote a better understanding and a high level of empathy to ensure the welfare of all.

Hago todo este análisis porque actualmente, a pesar de que hay menos restricciones, pero estamos a puertas de un brote más severo por la variante Ómicron, no podemos bajar la guardia como ciudadanos, ni tampoco bajarla como personas racionales. Todo esto que vivimos debe de algún modo dejarnos un aprendizaje trascendente que es el de cuidarnos día a día para reforzar el amor propio y por ende el amor al semejante, para fomentar un mejor entendimiento y un nivel alto de empatía que garantice el bienestar de todos.

This song that I present below is a reminder of this, it is an exact sample of what goes through the mind of someone who has not received the help they need from a loved one or a professional, with this song I want to expand your mind so you know first hand how it is to be on the verge of what we colloquially call "madness", so we can realize in time that someone out there needs us...

Esta canción que les presento a continuación es un recordatorio de esto que les digo, es una muestra exacta de lo que pasa por la mente de alguien que no ha recibido la ayuda que necesita de algún ser querido o de algún profesional, con esta canción quiero expandir tu mente para que conozcas de 1era mano como es estar al borde de lo que coloquialmente denominamos “locura”, para que podamos darnos cuenta a tiempo de que alguien ahí afuera nos necesita…

In this aspect music is a crucial channel to spread the message since it is a universal language; at the same time it can be therapeutic because its effects on health are great; I say this with property since in my years as a teacher and in private practice, I used music, in this case, instrumental, to guide the patient in his recovery, using psychoanalytic techniques and Neurolinguistic Programming, which proved to be successful.

En este aspecto la música es un canal crucial para difundir el mensaje ya que es un lenguaje universal; a la vez puede ser terapéutica debido a que sus efectos en la salud son grandes; lo digo con propiedad ya que en mis años como docente y en consulta privada, utilicé la música, en este caso, instrumental, para poder guiar al paciente en su recuperación, utilizando técnicas psicoanalíticas y de la Programación Neurolingüística, las cuales resultaron ser exitosas.

These photos that you can see are just in the middle of a group psychotherapy session, I used relaxation music with a group of early childhood and elementary school teachers; the results were immediate. I wish I had more graphic testimonies like this, or videos to show you the veracity of my words...

Estas fotos que pueden observar son justamente en plena sesión de psicoterapia grupal, utilicé música de relajación con un grupo de docentes de etapa inicial y primaria; los resultados fueron inmediatos. Ojalá tuviera más testimonios gráficos como este, o videos para mostrarles la veracidad de mis palabras…



Now, without extending more than necessary, I present the song "Mi Vida No Vale Nada" (My Life Is Worth Nothing) as part of a campaign that I had the pleasure of creating during my concerts when I started my first rock band in 2009, to help in this way to create more awareness about mental health and its care; I hope you enjoy it and analyze it from the musical to its purely psychological content, and I would like to know your opinion in the comments, feel free to give your opinion. The lyrics of the song are in Spanish and English on the video.

Ahora bien, sin extenderme más de la cuenta, les presento la canción “Mi Vida No Vale Nada” (My Life Is Worth Nothing) como parte de una campaña que tuve el gusto de crear durante mis conciertos cuando inicié mi primera banda de rock en el año 2009, para ayudar de esta manera a crear más conciencia sobre la salud mental y su cuidado; espero la disfruten y la analicen desde lo musical hasta su contenido netamente psicológico, y me gustaría conocer su opinión en los comentarios, siéntanse libres de opinar. La letra de la canción está en español e inglés en el video.

▶️ Watch on 3Speak

3- Invitations to other HIVE members:
3- Invitación a otros miembros de HIVE:

I would like my friends: @musicandreview @ebingo and @jesuslnrs to join this initiative; they are excellent musicians, great human beings and I would like to know their beginnings in music and how that has led them to where they are today, beyond their professions. It will be a pleasure to read or listen to them.

Me gustaría que mis amigos: @musicandreview @ebingo y @jesuslnrs se sumen a esta iniciativa; son excelentes músicos, grandes seres humanos, me gustaría conocer sus inicios en la música y cómo eso los ha llevado a donde están hoy, más allá de sus profesiones. Será un placer leerlos o escucharlos

4- Link to the post I reacted to:
4- Enlace al post que reaccioné:

Here I leave the link and also the link to the post that originated this movement with the rules of it:

Source / Fuente

Source / Fuente

Aquí se los dejo y también el enlace del post que originó este movimiento con las reglas del mismo:

Source / Fuente

Source / Fuente

firma hive negro.jpg

I hope you enjoyed this post and if you got to this point it was because you really found it interesting, remember that there will always be someone to reach out to, it can be you, it can be me, ¡the important thing is to take that needed hand to the hands of mental health professionals... hugs and see you another time!

Espero hayan disfrutado de este post y si llegaron a este punto fue porque de verdad les pareció interesante, recuerden que siempre habrá alguien a quien tenderle la mano, puedes ser tú, puedo ser yo, lo importante es llevar esa mano necesitada a manos de profesionales de la salud mental… ¡un abrazo y nos vemos en otra oportunidad!

imagen 2 spread the vibe.png

firma hive negro.jpg

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▶️ 3Speak



Wow, what a Spread the Vibes post 🙌🙌🙌

Please, don't apologize, I know you took your time as you wanted to make a great response and you absolutely overdone all the expectations. A fantastic post, great information you provided us from your profession, from the real time happening around the globe and then your music...and message. My comment will end now as I first have to dry up the tears that somehow appeared... I will be back!

My friend, thank you, but you left me with uncertainty, I will wait for you to come back and comment on your experience. In fact I had to cut the post, because it had more content and Hive only allows 20000 characters and I passed them hahahaha, I had to delete several things I wanted to share, basically 2 example videos about relaxation therapies with instrumental music, but when you come back I will show you those links.

A warm hug with love 🤗❤️, hope you are well 🙌

I am here now!

Your song made me very weak, I had tears in my eyes and all. You made here a terrific post!! A great one indeed, and your message that mental health is important... sometimes, you know, people are just ashamed to ask for help. Or when asked for help, they are not understood by the close ones. Or when receiving the help it is getting to a phase it is very difficult and time is needed for some wounds to be healed. But, work is needed. Every day, fighting the inside demons and building up a strong personality. But what I am talking about, you are the professional here ;)))

I liked a lot your song, and yes, the examples of relaxation therapies can come here in the comment section, as there was no more space in the post!! ;))

You said it well, that's right, we all struggle daily with ourselves, some people suffer more, others less, but that's the way it is day to day. The song has a delicate lyric, when I wrote it I had many things in my head, it was about a patient I attended in a psychiatric hospital, it was my first time attending high level cases, and he told me how he had dealt with suicide, with the rejection of his family and the abandonment of his partner; his words resonated with me immediately when he said: my life is worth nothing... after listening to him, the next day at the university I started to write the song, I put myself in his place and I cried, this thing of being bad and nobody helps you or can help you, is something very hard to assimilate.

It was one of my first experiences with patients and although emotionally it affected me, I managed to turn it into learning over the years, I was just a freshman at that time, I had not yet graduated.

From my heart, beyond the fact that the song has that objective, I hope you are well, it is just to reflect and understand a little to those people who scream in silence to be heard. Now with the knowledge I have I can detect things without speaking and believe me I have given heart and soul to help thousands of people over the years, from children to the elderly, and that is part of my life engine, since I was a child I was a psychologist and I found out as an adult hehe; it is simply my way, it is my life mission and I will do it until the end.

I want to share with you 2 videos, one is of an instrumental theme that I have used for years as therapy in some patients, it is a beautiful theme; and the other video, as you speak Spanish, is from my YouTube channel, where I talk about the pandemic and explain a therapeutic exercise of relaxation, I give them to you as a symbol of friendship dear friend, I send you a warm hug, thank you for your support and for always being there, as I told you before, you are worth gold 🤗❤️🎅🎄🌟💎

This is an extra additional post ;)

I can see all the inspiration from where it came, you have been touched and you created! What best? And still, this impact is here today too, after many years, you see, you could spread those vibes you got and the creation. It definitely touched me too! for the reason you say, silent screams, inner screams of people we see!

Yes, all ok with me, thanks for asking, and your hopes, actually never better, I think ;) We all have phases, long and short ones, and this one is a longer good one 😇

So good you could express all of this here, you just rock as a person and musician too! 🙌

Yes, all ok with me, thanks for asking, and your hopes, actually never better, I think ;) We all have phases, long and short ones, and this one is a longer good one 😇

Ahhh excellent is that I had worried a little, it was just that you had been sensitized by the song, thank God. Anyway, that's what I wanted to add to the post, as I said that is part of what I have done as a psychologist.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for having had a connection with this post and understanding in a very human way the central axis of it, there was empathy on your part and I am glad that you are one of the people who take care of their integrity.

A hug dear friend and blessings for this week 🙏😊❤️🎅🎄🌟💎

That's a very complete work you did here. From the post, the content, the song, the filming, video editing, the music vibe, the energy and appreciation! It's a such blessing to have you here in this community! 😊

Thank you very much, your comment is really nice, I am very flattered; it is a post to which I put a lot of love so that the message is clear and reaches many people. Thanks for read and watching the video, I appreciate it, have a great week 🙌😀🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🎅🎄🌟🍻

My pleasure! And you know you deserve this! 😊


Esta publicación nos termina de confirmar tu potencial como músico, psicólogo, pero sobre todo como ser humano. Tienes una gran habilidad para desenvolverte en tu área y de desarrollar ideas que van mas allá. La salud mental es tema delicado en el que todos inclusive sin darnos cuenta nos encontramos envueltos, este tipo de publicaciones sin duda que aportan mucho en ese sentido. Felicitaciones amigo!

Que alegría saber que este post ha gustado tanto, que ha movido emociones y que ha sido aceptado ya que como bien lo dicen la salud mental es un tema delicado y que amerita mucho tacto para poder ser abordado. Es muy satisfactorio que un post que involucre mis dos pasiones haya tenido tanta receptividad, esto me llena mucho, GRACIAS amigos, gracias por ser, estar y por haber visto esta publicación tan importante, los quiero mucho 🙌😀🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🎅🎄🌟🍻

I'll try and collect my thoughts and get back to this post...I like it already

Of course my Bro, take your time and do your best, I know you'll do great. Thanks for answering the call hehe, a hug and have a nice week 👊😎🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🎄🌟🍻

This was absolutely worth the time. I loved your write-up and the song. I did not know you were a psychologist...I am an aspiring clinical psychologist and psychiatrist. It is amazing how much we share in common and we are miles away.

I would love you to participate in spreading the vibed. I will do my best to use your post as a standard even though I don't know if I will meet up with your video editing skills, I will still try.

The most interesting part of this post was when you highlighted the fact that the pandemic's effect on us. I suffered various emotional states during that period and It is beautiful that some of us pulled through and we are where we are today.

I am happy you shared this...Thank you!!

Brother, thanks for being here, I will always appreciate your comments 👍. Yes Bro I thought you had noticed before hehe, but yes I am a psychologist for 15 years now and I have worked in many areas already, it has been a life experience that nourishes me day after day.

Truly successful I know you will be a great psychologist and psychiatrist, truly there are many things in common that makes that we can have a long distance friendship; I wish you the best always, I am glad that even though the pandemic has affected us strongly, you are still here, this has been very hard for humanity, but working for our welfare we can move forward.

As I put in the writing, even the strongest has been affected by this, I also had emotional ups and downs and more when I had covid, they were hard days, but here we are and here we will continue, thank you for spreading the vibe, You Rock man 👊😎🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🎅🎄🌟

And relax my bro, do it your way, with what you know; the effort, the intention and your ideas will be the success of your post 💎💎💎💎💎

My network couldnt load the song but woww.. Thats some huge post you got there.

I m happy this goes loud on mental health were especially in the face of the Omicron variant.

People should know recognise and seek help appropriately.

I ll return for the music .

Thank you dear brother, I'm glad you already know what it's all about, I hope you can see the video, that's the essence of the post.

You, who are also in the area of health know that even recognizing that eating badly is bad for health, there are still people who find it difficult to create awareness of their ailments, others do not feel they have them, but lead a life full of excesses or deficiencies; the mind is somewhat complex but we have the tools to teach people about what is right and what is not and accompany them as far as they let themselves be helped.

I hope you are well and thank you for always being there too, dear friend 🙌😀🔥❤️🎅🎄🌟🍻

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Thank you very much, You Rock, I appreciate the support, thank you for your work 👊😎🔥❤️🎅🎄🌟💎🍻

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