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RE: It was just a dream... but Black Shadow is real!

Yeah, I woke up as something didn't match there lol. It made me react :D
Imagine if I reach the point I have to play without the scores hahah, well it would be interesting to see (in my dream) what would I do. Maybe I would positively surprise myself!

Yeah, I know, I went to the place I was sure to be the spot from my dream. Between the town I was born in and the next village.... unfortunately, the scenery from my dream was not there!!! A bit frustrating :D

Sometimes I have a Déjà vu and know what will happen at some moment. Or location… a weird thing when it does.

wow, sometimes me too. Though didn't happen for a long time to me...
It is exciting,I would like to have them more often :)))

No I can’t point it out 😉

Actually, it can not be that well spotted, just when I listened and watched my recording I spotted that I missed one note...

Have a great day you too, well evening right now 😎


I can imagine… going to such a point in a dream and then wake up, disorientated.
It would be great to be able to do that. And see what would have happened in your dream.

To bad it wasn’t.

That’s cool you know what I mean. I have it a lot. My mother could see even beyond now sometimes when she was younger… maybe worth looking into further.

Ok, I feel reassured now that I didn’t spot it. 😉

Thank you kindly @mipiano have a great evening too 😁

Wow, your mother could see beyond now?

It is great...

also for knowing the winning numbers of the lottery or similar haha

(just kidding 😅 )

Yes, she could. Don’t think she has it anymore. She is 88 years old now.

That’s one thing that didn’t work like that… hahaha would have been nice though.

That’s one thing that didn’t work like that… hahaha would have been nice though.


Yeah, unfortunately, it doesn't work like that

Yep… unfortunately 😂