
Are you referring to the link in our comment? It is a link to Instagram, not a malicious link.

We did not ask you to click on any link in our comments. We asked to verify the authorship of the content via Instagram.


 3 months ago (edited) 

@hivewatcher @hivewatchers, I uploaded a screenshot (see below) of the link @lindarey is referring to.

I apologize for taking a while to respond, checking notifications now.

Posted via D.Buzz


I would say that @lindarey is definitely legit, I have communicated with her for over a year, on and off of D.Buzz and I think I remember @epodcaster onboarding her.

Chat.D.Buzz will be further integrated into D.Buzz and may be beneficial to use for #HW someday.

Posted via D.Buzz

Yes, all correct. I'm a legit person with a legit business, but I will find that link again. I can also be found here:

Posted via D.Buzz

@chrisrice any insights?

Yeah, I understand this, it's a common check that established #HIVE users eventually go through.

As a rule of practice though, it's beneficial that you take your time, think things through, & understand each step before moving forward.

Discussion = 👍

Posted via D.Buzz

Thanks. We are awaiting the verification then.

Okay, sounds good.

To verify, does she just need to add the word HIVE to her Instagram Profile or something? (temporarily) @hivewatchers

Tag : @lindarey

Posted via D.Buzz

Yes. That's what we asked for in our comments. Thanks

I'm not clear on what verification you need?
I don't PAY for instagram blue check verification.
I don't mention my instagram in my PEAKD posts.

I apologize for my confusion and if you've done this hundreds of times before and I'm the only one not catching on...?

Posted via D.Buzz


We need your verification of authorship of Hive content on Instagram so we know that this account is not stolen identity and/or theft of content.

I don't even post on instagram!!!!!!!!
what hive content are you saying i'm posting on IG?
I don't even use IG.....

Posted via D.Buzz



You do not use Instagram?
You mentioned this Instagram account in the linktr link in your Hive profile.


This Hive is evidently using names, photos and content from this very active Instagram account that we mentioned, and you have kept failing to verify on Instagram.



If the account fails the verification, it would mean that this Hive account is a case of identity theft/deception.

We will have to blacklist this Hive account.

i have IG but I no longer use it to promote my business. I'll find where I may have it on HIVE BECAUSE it's not our primary social platform by any stretch. We use youtube, Linkedin and tiktok for marketing.

Posted via D.Buzz