Google's Portion of the Truth? Here's something I didn't expect in the third ...

in DBuzzlast month

... year of the war from #Google to see a slice of a true picture of the world.
It's always been like that here.
Stop contributing a civil #war!
#infographics #ukraine #statistic #politicalhive #language

Posted via D.Buzz


It is the result of soviet union influence, especially Stalin, who hated Ukrainians. And there is no civil war in Ukraine, only the cruel, antihuman war of Russian occupants against independent state

Can show me Ukraine on old maps before Stalin's life????
When Russian-speaking Slavs, Christians, kill Russian-speaking Christians, it's a civil war!
All in the best tradition of the Americans, they are the ones who coined the term SMO!

Of course there was Ukrainian state long before Stalin and before Soviet Union , every well educated man knows it. Just read history, but not the spoiled one that is learned in Russian schools

My question is about Kyiv. What is the proper pronunciation and spelling for it?

And what do the residents of Kyiv think of themselves as?
Was it mostly Russian? And then, because it is the capital, lots of Ukranians moved in? Or visa versa?

If my memory serves, Kyiv was a Russian city. (pronounced differently)
But, what is it now?


When I was in Kiev in 2008 all the people I met spoke russian.

Kyiv never was a russian city , it was some period under soviet union, but it is different. Be careful, the author seems to spread fake russian nazi propaganda

It was the Capitol of Russia when Russia was first formed. How much more Russian could it be?

Posted via D.Buzz

Kyiv has never been a capital of Russia. There was Kyivskaya Rus but it is different from Russia. Russia, as territory, appeared as part of Rus later...

I feel like this is nit-picking. Many cultures called the Kyivskaya Rus Russians. The truth about this, and many places with ancient roots, is that the truth depends on who in the area you ask. Where cultures mingled, people living in the same area could refer to that area in different ways, while the rest of the world would refer to it as something else. I've dug just a little bit into the history of Eastern Europe and Russia, and what I've found is that it's a lot like the area of Israel/Palestine... very complicated.

I will add that Putin's regim tries to use it to rewrite history in school books. I have heard that they prefer to skip the word Kyivskaya, they just use the word Rus . Still Ukrainians and Russians have different cultures, with long history on attempts of Russia to destroy Ukrainian culture and call the other country own province

Formation of Muscovy (Moskovija): Muscovy, centered around Moscow, began to emerge as a distinct principality within Kievan Rus in the 12th century. Over time, it grew in power and influence, eventually becoming the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

Separate Existence of Ukraine: The territory that is now Ukraine had its own history and political entities, including the Kievan Rus state and later the Cossack Hetmanate. However, it's essential to note that the concept of a unified, independent Ukraine as a modern nation-state emerged much later, particularly during the 19th and 20th centuries.

Peter I and the Russian Empire: Peter the Great, who ruled from the late 17th to early 18th century, indeed played a crucial role in transforming Muscovy into the Russian Empire. He implemented reforms, modernized the state and military, and expanded Russia's territory.

Rebranding as Russia: The term "Russia" (Россия, Rossiya) as the official name for the Russian state was not solely the work of Peter the Great. The name "Russia" had been used informally for centuries before Peter's reign, and it became the official name of the country during his rule.

So, while Peter the Great's era marked significant changes in Russia's identity and expansion, both Muscovy and Ukraine had long histories before that period. Ukraine's historical development and its relationship with Muscovy/Russia are complex and multifaceted, shaped by centuries of political, cultural, and territorial dynamics.

The historical context you're referring to is quite complex, but I'll try to summarize it.

During the medieval period, the area known today as Russia was fragmented into different territories, including Muscovy (Moskovija), which was centered around Moscow. Meanwhile, what is now Ukraine had its own distinct political entities, such as the Kievan Rus and later the Cossack Hetmanate. These regions had separate political, cultural, and linguistic developments.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, Muscovy (Moskovija) gradually expanded its influence and territories, eventually becoming the dominant power in the region. The reign of Peter the Great (late 17th to early 18th century) marked a significant period of transformation. He modernized and centralized the Russian state, adopted Western practices, and expanded the Russian Empire.

The term "Russia" as we know it today, referring to the Russian Federation, emerged much later in history, particularly after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. So, in summary, the historical development of the Russian state and its identity evolved over centuries, with significant changes and transformations occurring at different points in time."

Yeah, that's what I said! 😉

In that case it could only be the Google stats that spread fake russian nazi propaganda. That would be quite odd though.

Google just provide stats but russian nazi use it to play with facts. In result there is half true and half false, that is used to try to make people believe in false and fake russian propaganda

YOur head must be spinning ;)

that is, based on the comment I wrote, you don’t have a single counterargument? What did I lie about? I described what has been happening around me lately in Ukraine. These are facts that anyone can check if they wish. What did you see as propaganda?
How long ago did obvious things in Ukraine turn into pro-Russian propaganda?
Yes, Russian propagandists are using what is happening in Ukraine against the Ukrainian government, but there is no need to fib here.
We ourselves give their propagandists very real grounds for laughing at us))

Learn history, please

Respectfully he has. He’s right about everything he’s said. Regardless Russia has tried to have peace talks regularly and NATO pressures Ukraine to say no. Now the nation is lost. Ukraine will never recover from this. It’s incredibly sad.

I can tell you the same thing!

It’s unfortunate many people still buy the lies. It was USA who started this by doing a coup (via CIA) to overthrow Ukraine government in 2014.

In Soviet times, the Ukrainian name "КИЇВ" was transliterated into Russian as "КИЕВ." In other countries, the Soviet Union was primarily associated with Russia, so the name of the Ukrainian capital was translated from the Russian version to English as "KIEV."

As of today, the official language of the country is Ukrainian, and in the original language, the capital is spelled "КИЇВ." This means that the correct English transliteration is "KYIV."

In August 2012, the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names decided to change the official spelling rule for the name of the Ukrainian capital

This is a great breakdown about this topic

lol what a ridiculous argument!

there is real picture:

According to the results of the tenth nationwide survey titled "Ideological Markers of War (April 27, 2022)" conducted by the sociological group "Rating," 92% of citizens of our country consider themselves Ukrainians by nationality, 5% identify as Russians, and 3% as other ethnicities.

Researchers note that from 2008 to 2014, there was a stable national distribution: about 83% of citizens considered themselves Ukrainians, while about 15% identified as Russians. After the occupation of Crimea and parts of Donbas in 2014, the number of respondents identifying as Russians decreased to 11%, while the number of Ukrainians increased to 87-88%. Over the past eight years, the number of those identifying as Russians gradually decreased.

The study of attitudes toward various ethnic and linguistic groups living in Ukraine showed predominantly positive or positive-neutral attitudes of respondents towards them. Ukrainians have the best attitude towards Ukrainian speakers (95% positive) and Russian speakers (57% positive, 30% neutral, 13% negative) among Ukrainians. Positive attitudes also prevail towards Jews (60%) and Hungarians (49%) living in our country.

According to the survey, attitudes towards Russians living in Ukraine, residents of occupied Crimea, and residents of the so-called "DNR/LNR" worsened during the war. Residents of occupied Crimea are positively viewed by 41%, negatively by 14%, and neutrally by 40%. Russians living in Ukraine are positively viewed by 30%, negatively by 27%, and neutrally by 39%. Residents of the so-called "DNR/LNR" are positively viewed by 27%, negatively by 31%, and neutrally by 37%.

Sociologists note that Ukrainians have a much better attitude towards Belarusians than towards Russians, although both categories have significantly lost trust during the war. Only 22% have a positive attitude towards Belarusians (the indicator has deteriorated threefold over the year), 33% have a negative attitude, and 42% are neutral. Meanwhile, there is a prevailing negative attitude towards Russians - 69%. Only 8% have a positive attitude towards them (the indicator deteriorated more than threefold over the year), and 20% are neutral.

The survey was conducted on April 27, 2022, among the population of Ukraine aged 18 and older in all regions except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas. The sample is representative by age, gender, and settlement type. The sample size was 1000 respondents. The survey method used was CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews). The margin of representativeness error with a confidence level of 0.95 is no more than 3.1%.

Нормально у тебя пукан рвануло, заспамил мне блог)))
Упоротый, иди конкурсы свои пили, и не забывай за себя голосовать.
Помню, ты собирался отсюда на выход. Что случилось, балабол?

Сасай бибу вата, у тебе чепушили не спитав чим зайнятись 😃

Вот и весь твой уровень! Чего было понты колотить????
Давно мову выучил, кастрюля? Такие как ты мою страну проскакали, а так нихера и не поняли...
Пойди в посте поной, что тебя за сэлфвотинг хэйтят)))

Небось с окопа пишешь, патриот? Такой же ухылянт, только мозгов поменьше)))

проперділась чепуха?) вільний...

Когда по сути бандеровцу нечего сказать, он начинает цитировать нэзрозумилэ с москальских попсовых сериалов))))
Скорее начинай штамповать запросы в гугл на украинском, чтоб хоть как то сгладить такую зраду))
Требуй Гугл внести на миротворец))

What else would expect from a banderander who blackmailed the hive community into leaving us if he wasn't allowed to farm shitcoins by selfvoting...
did you forget that you hit the ignore me button a few comments ago? So I'm reminding you of that since you're unable to keep your cool.

Що ти несеш шизоїд... з тобою не ма про що балакати, ти конч не адекватний =)