June 28 2022 - From hotel treadmill to Sofia restaurant

in Actifit2 years ago

Last time I came to Sofia I went out running on the roads and struggled because they are quite uneven. I also got lost a bit.

So today, I stayed in the hotel and used the treadmill. I am not so used to treadmills these days so it took some getting used to. I completed over 6 km in the end.

I find exercising when staying in hotels is so important. Eating out in restaurants is a sure way to put on weight.

We went out to a nice traditional Bulgarian restaurant in the evening. I ate too much. I am glad I went on the treadmill!

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Another shoutout to @bradleyarrow

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Excellent to hear that even when you were staying in a hotel, you were thinking about staying fit and healthy! The treadmill is an excellent way to get good steps, and you're 13 K @actifit steps today are awesome take care!

Thanks my friend. Yes, I try to make a habit as I stay in a lot of hotels for work. Sometimes I walk, sometimes I run but as some hotels have nice gyms! But so important to keep fitness in mind.

Have a great day !wine

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Sounds excellent @awah take care!!😀

Well done with the treadmill, I've never tried it but it's not the sort of thing that attracts me to be honest!

!BBH back soon



@awah! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (5/30)

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Cheers !wine

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This is what I live with everyday. Our roads are cobblestone and before I started this fitness path at the beginning of 2022, I was afraid to start because all I could think about was breaking my ankle, falling down and getting hit by a car 😱 Dramatic, but I know you understand. Great job on your run today.

Yes, I am lucky where I live in London are there are some very well maintained paths that are away from the roads. Perfect for running! Not quite the same here in Sofia but the treadmill was an ok change.


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