My Actifit Report Card: July 26 2022

in Actifit2 years ago

Some things don’t change, and some things do.

I’m pretty sure the guy on this sign wouldn’t be considered a handsome hunk these days, and I’m fairly certain that the woman in the sign above him wouldn’t project sex appeal to any of the junior high school boys walking past this wall on their way to school. That said, the basic idea behind advertising hasn’t changed much, has it.

Walking in Place

It appears I may be starting a walk in place diet. Over the past few weeks I’ve been paying a lot of attention to the number of steps that I take in a day, and since I don’t going running very often anymore, I’ve been surprised to find how hard it is to consistently take 10,000 steps in a day.

In an effort to be more consistent, I’ve found myself walking in place a lot, trying to get extra steps in anywhere and anytime that I can. Surprisingly enough, I actually like doing this. It feels good, and depending on how high I lift my knees, it can actually become pretty good exercise. I think that I may keep this up for a month and see where it leads me.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity


If you want to sell something, put a pretty girl in the ad. Seems to always work!

I’ll have to start with running an ad. I haven’t even done that yet. I was hoping for a more organic start, but I guess that’s the dreamer’s way.

Pretty girl ad. Got it. 😉

I like this... going to check the app out. 👍

I also like your photo!

Can I make some designs for t-shirts from it maybe? I'll give you 30% commission on sales and link back to this post?

The app is ridiculously simple. Somebody recently asked me why I use it, actually, and recommended Aglet instead, which is designed much, much better. But sometimes, simple is best.

Yeah, go ahead and use the photo in any way that you like.

Here is the original, plus another one.


If you have any advice about how to actually sell t-shirts, I’m all ears. I’ve been trying to get something going using a POD site for the past year and a half without any luck.

I'll send 50% comm on these if I sell any :)

Happy to provide dashboard sales sheets etc each month! 👍

If that’s what you want to do, I won’t say no. 😉

I like to operate on the pay what you will scale. It brings me random projects and opportunities and periodic returns in gifts like drawing tables, coffee, and other things.

If you do make a shirt with those pictures, I’d love to see how they come out.

WOW. Thanks for that! SO generous!

Well... not really! Selling them online I've never had success with. Marketing. I guess it costs and has to be done well and I don't know much about it. I've also been trying to use RedBubble and Spreadshirt but not many sales... hardly any so.

I ran a t-shirt stall for years but that was at festivals and markets. So traffic and feet and easy to sell!

I have an idea though...It might be better if we banded up. I make websites as well. Maybe if we built a community and all drove folks there to see our designs we could generate more traffic...

That sounds interesting. Let’s chat on Discord, or some place else. I’m boxcarblue, #5313.

Cool :)

I'm just getting something in here today and will reach out in the next couple of days :) 👍

No rush.

We still got time! 😁

I love these old advertisements

Do you see many of them down where you are? Up here, there aren’t many left outside, and it seems like the restaurants that have them in poster form (inside the restaurant) are disappearing every week.

I don't see them as often as I used to, but I also don't see a lot of the older buildings anymore that they used to hang on. Yeah, I see the poster version in restaurants and sometimes at train stations. But the originals are disappearing fast

Everything is turning over now. It sounds like those signs might be a good thing to try to get your hands on and sell here and abroad.

By the way, my father-in-law just won 2nd best in (possibly one of many of) Niigata Prefecture’s haiku contest. I’ll ask him for a copy of the haiku next time I see him.
