
Hi! I create all my post on Inleo form scratch, no copy paste from other editors, and I checked on all front ends, the only one that seems to have problems displaying the images is , looks like they don't support imgur. Could be a good idea to ask them if they plan on upgrading and displaying a wider range of options for images

That is the problem - who should be fixing that. My readers are all on I know how I fix that - I post where my readers are. The whole inLeo front end sucks in my experience - and the arrogance of the people is the worst

That's weird, I post from inLeo and all my pictures show perfectly on peakd and ecency.

Are you uploading them directly into the post editor inLeo?

Yes. Just made a snapshot of new posts in LeoFinance - go in and you will find that every photo that is not showing a featured image is posted from InLeo. This is posted from which is where my readers are - it is unusable

I don't understand why people use, I guess they like the simplicity. Well, now I need to bring them all to inLeo lol

Simplicity works. And if one started there, good chance one will stay there. I do - been using it and the predecessor on Steemit since 2016

Yeah I like that editor since early 2017 and I do like it, it's just not enough for me, especially since posting on InLeo earns you $LEO tokens, lets you generate ad revenue in your posts, and let's you monetize the content after the normal 7 day window. So in my case benefits > simplicity.

Hopefully we'll get the image source issue solved (but afaik it is a issue) so your community can all migrate together to the frontend of the future hahaha