How I Beat Depresion ( And You Can Do it too)

in Actifit10 months ago


My happy place.

The year was 2013. I was feeling depressed. Sad. Lack of motivation. Every time I wake up in the morning, I feel that my life has no purpose. My mental state was in total disarray. I was confused at the time. I cannot focus. I was lost. I tried to remedy my depression with tv. I spent countless hours watching tv shows, only to realize that I was wasting the most precious thing we can never get back time.

Then one day, as I was just searching the internet for something to read, I chance to read an article about exercise. As I was reading the article, I was motivated.

In the article, it states that exercise has a lot of benefits, and one of those benefits is that it alleviates depression. Then I said to myself, oh well I might just try this one. Maybe this helps. So I finally decided to take make a change and set my mind to go to the gym. The first time I went to the gym I was clueless. I was overwhelmed and intimidated by the big machines and equipment. It was frustrating, to say the least. But I pressed on.

Luckily, after a few days, I made some friends and taught me how to lift. The moment I knew the proper way I was hooked. The depression was gone. I did not watch the television anymore, nor did I watch the news. Watching the news just makes me feel depressed. Not a good thing comes from watching the television. So I decided to quit watching it.

For the first three years, I was making progress in the gym. I bought some protein powders and all that stuff to make you become "bigger." I was addicted to the gym culture.


Doing sets of deadlifts and breathing squats.

Sure, going to the gym was fun, for me. It was my outlet. My daily escape from the realities of life. When I am in the gym, I feel focused. My concentration is intense. Every set counts. Blood, sweat, and tears. All of it.

In this world, nothing is permanent except change. This change happened when my wife and I decided to relocate to her place. When you relocate to another place, you need to make some adjustments.

So I left my gym buddies and friends over there when we relocated here. And I stop going to the gym for a year.

Well, I stopped because I need to take a break. I let my body heal from almost ten years of heavy lifting.

Now, just recently. the depression was starting to creep in again in my mind. Well hello darkness my old friend. I have come to meet you again.

It started again affecting my way of thinking. I was easily irritated and angry. It made me feel tired.

It was just recently that I need to find my peace of mind. I need an outlet to pour my frustrations out.

Okay. I said. I need to find a gym.


First time doing squats after a year of hiatus.

Luckily at my place, we have a gym here. So I decided to get up and start doing it again.

The moment I stepped back into the gym, I was happy. I found my peace. It made me realize it was all worth it.


Doing sets of leg press.

So, if you're feeling down and lonely, you need to find your outlet. You need to find your peace. You need to find that one special thing that makes you happy.

Now go. You need to do it.


I'm glad that you overcome all your worries and anxiety @thecuriousseus. Yes, you were right the only permanent thing in this world is change...In this community, you can share, and write your emotion and feelings to relieve stress. We as your hive friends ready to listen.Thanks for sharing this and we learn something from your article .

mangeta jud tag outlet mam arun dili ta maburyung.hehe

hahaha mao man

It's good that you found a solution to divert your attention and slowly heal from your depression, it's just a matter of finding that thing that you will enjoy instead of dwelling into those thought that cause your depression. If you are really determine to escape from depression, you really have to act up, coz if not, you will be suffocated from it, you will be strangulated by it. Glad that you are back again into heavy lifting, you go get it. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

we all go through a rough patch in our lives all depends on our perspective on how to deal with it

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It's good you found the place where you can fight depression. There's no easy way to fight depression but staying positive and doing the things you love like going to the gym will help you a lot.

Ako, murag sa damgo nalang cguro ko ani ka gym. Hahahaha.
Tagpila ang session diha sir?

baratu ra sir! kaya ra kaau.hahaha

Depression is not a joke. Moreover, it doesn't have a face. Good thing you have an outlet where you can release negative emotions and start finding peace. I badly need an exercise too, not because I'm depressed, but because my uniform suddenly shrink.🤦

This is truly helpful. There are many in the society who is afraid to admit or worse, not even aware that they are suffering from depression. Everyone, even the toughest guys in the hood can suffer from depression and needs some form of outlet. For me, sports and other physical activities is my form of some sort of escape. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for sharing this. I’ve been feeling down lately and it’s something that has started ever since I stopped working out. I think I need to find a new gym too. I also moved to a new area and I haven’t been able to find a nerby gym. But before this week ends I must find one or else I won’t be able to feel normal again.

Working out is something everyone needs but only few actually want it.

A very inspiring outlet to overcome stress and worries sir... Very Good Job and keep it up!

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