
Thank you for the offer, but at the moment we are both stretching ourselves too thin. Liz is working with Ladies of hive, and Lol at the moment I am Crypto trading, and running my Crypto miners....Did I forget Actifit Lol😇

You two are certainly busy! Well! It was worth a shot! I'm just doing my rounds... Don't mind me! hahaha!😆

We will be working out with you!!😀

Say whattttt?! You talked and made up your minds then? Great! Ok you two! I’m excited to have you aboard! Let’s do this!!! 🙌

We will be watching your video's my friend, I hope you did not take my reply the wrong way 😀

Hahaha! Of course not! I’m just glad for all the iotas of help and support we have been getting from the entire @Actifit community! Going LIVE with fitness has been a really fun/rewarding/ and yes challenging as well!

Thanks for watching (and maybe even trying 😉) some of our exercises videos! 🙌