Goes down lika a Stone

in Music3 years ago

Hidiho, i am delighted to tell you my new song is out.

The song is about things and thoughts that drag you down, and the times when you're too busy, so you forgot to mind about them. Goes down like a Stone is the 7th Single in to the re-plugged cycle. When playing re-plugged i create a basic drum sound with guitar (Kick, Snare), and don't shy away from using distortion and other effects.
It is starting of bluesy, with acoustic guitar, to change to distortion with the first Chorus and make it a full grown Rock Song.

The Cover Picture is actually a Stone thrown into water filmed under water with a GoPro

If you want to know more about the production of the song and what re-plugged looks like visit these articles:
Pt.1 The Drums
Pt.2 Guitar
Pt.3 Vocals
Pt.4 Blending it

Here are the Lyrics:
Goes down like a stone - Lyrics_Bkgd.jpg

A Video for the tune is in work. As DSound isn't on atm, the only links i can provide are those to streaming services.
Of course, i would appreciate if you want to follow me on your favorite service and drop a like or good word there.

Amazon https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0923CTW6D

Tidal https://tidal.com/browse/album/180089752

Deezer https://www.deezer.com/en/album/221637982
Apple https://music.apple.com/us/album/goes-down-like-a-stone-single/1563037015
qobuz https://www.qobuz.com/fr-fr/album/goes-down-like-a-stone-ac-g/spgxzjq7udrsb

Have a wonderful day, Peepz! ...and stay safe