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RE: Playing with Logic Pro to record a flute cover of The Gael, Promentory from The Last of the Mohicans

in Music2 years ago

You can sing to so many instruments, this is awesome! How long did it took you to learn how to play?


I started playing the keyboard and guitar on and off from around 2000. Then Ukulele from around 2010 maybe. As for the flute I started learning how to make and play them about a year ago, having learned the recorder in high school did help a lot.

So you have quite a history, impressive! Is ukulele hard to learn? It looks so easy when others play on it.

I guess it takes a special kind of wood for making flutes?

I've never been stable with my hobbies, changed quite a few times. But it's good, learned new things every time. No instrument is really easy but some require a less steep learning curve than others. The ukulele is much easier than the guitar (less strings so less fingers involved, some chords only require one finger) and is very social, back in the UK, there were weekly meetups in London pubs where you get 30-40 people playing Ukulele all night together.

You should be able to play a basic song in a week or two, for example Jambalaya or Tom Dooley which have only two chords. Later on you'd learn more complex chords and more interesting strumming patterns.

For sure I will want to try this, especially that this is an afordable instrument. Your cover is so cool, you also have a great voice as well🤩. I would be a little shy putting myself in front of camera and sing, it would be a challenge for me. But who knows, I might just give it a try, I always loved the idea of trying out music stuff.

By the way I have found a lot of types of ukulele. What do you think about this one?

Tenor, soprano....which one to pick?

There are soprano, concert, tenor and baritone ukuleles. Soprano being the smallest and having the brightest sound while baritone are the largest and warmer/lower sound. The soprano is the most popular and it’s sound is the one you will usually recognise the most. The baritone one has a sound that is almost a guitar. The concert and tenor sits in the middle. Mine is a Tenor uke. There is no wrong choice. Best would be to go to a store that sells both and give them a try and see which sound you prefer.

Here is the same song played on soprano and tenor ukuleles:
Soprano. Notice how you can’t see my face in this one. It was one of my first YouTube video and I was like you not comfortable showing myself on camera.


This was so nice to listen, you gained a new Youtube subscriber haha. I like the sound of the tenor ukulele, it sounds more mellow somehow. And you gained more confidence in your voice in the second video.

I saw that there are wooden and plastic ukuleles. I saw bass and acustic ones too. Very interesting.
I will look at your channel and watch more.

When I will buy myself one be prepared to be bombarded with questions 🤣🤣🤣

You have a lot of patience to teach this, I think this can help many " I want to play an instrument" enthusiasts like me

Thank you for the nice words :-)
The mellow sound of the Tenor is why I chose it. Also for the ability to use a lower string for the top one (low G instead of high G). This allows me to play "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" with the bass line.

If you just want to explore, plastic or wooden does not matter. If you think you will get into it more seriously, you better choose solid wood or at least solid top ukulele as this will produce a much nicer sound. Bass ukulele are pretty cool indeed.

No pb, when you're ready, just ask me.