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RE: Banishing the Monday Blues

in The MINIMALISTlast year

Haha, your comment is so funny.
Yes, I got such a calming feeling while I sat next to the water.

I hope that you'll get to do yoga again, but it's great that you opened your mind to have at least tried it once.
Yes, our bodies can be so tight and even tense without us recognising it, and our bodies do have memories, and our muscles will fight to hold on to what it's used to.

Maybe you could find three to four moves that appeal to you and try doing them regularly, without even acknowledging that you're doing yoga. That way you could do it anywhere you are.

I love being by rivers very much, that's my favourite body of water, but the sea is also magical and a place I love to go to meditate.

Thanks for the compliments. I used to wear light makeup every day from a very young age. I stopped doing so for a few years now because somehow, I prefer my natural look even with all its imperfection😊

Thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment:)))


I hope that you'll get to do yoga again,

I hope so too cause I do want to have that relaxing feeling sometime.

Maybe you could find three to four moves that appeal to you and try doing them regularly, without even acknowledging that you're doing yoga.

YouTube should have some moves yeah, I'll check it out. Hope my body adapts quickly.

prefer my natural look even with all its imperfection

To be honest, you're naturally beautiful at least I've seen a few of your photos and I know makeup would still look really nice on ya, no caps!

Thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment:)

My pleasure 😊

Thanks again for your lovely comments. It's 6:30 am in Jamaica, and I just woke up and will do a morning session of yoga.
Have yourself a great day:)))

Have yourself a great day:)))

You too😉