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RE: Come (and Go) As You Are

in The MINIMALIST7 months ago

Sister... I love people but, honestly, I just want to withdraw with a bundle of animals and read and make cool stuff now.

Animals are just more honest and simpler. And cute. ❤️

Thanks! It only took 52 years! But hey... progress! 😀

That must've been some moment. At the falls. Yep. They're pretty incredible to watch for me as well. I think of Jane Goodall a lot these days and understand her drive far better. Brave woman! 💥


Love the Nirvana title as well xxx

Is it?

I never got into Nirvana much.

Which song, please? :)

Oh - Come as you are? Of course! Subliminal Freudian things. Must check those lyrics now and see what I was saying to myself!

And thanks for being my mirror! See? you can't do the deep stuff alone. Mostly ❤️
