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RE: Come (and Go) As You Are

in The MINIMALIST7 months ago

Jason's name changed for privacy and yes. He's a good one and sharp as a tack.

He liked it in full.

So cute. Cats as well. All of 'em. I want a hoard of furry creatures and ton of books. And an oven and a fireplace. And a lake and tons of trees.

Good to go 👍

I envy your Portland


My whole Pacific Northwest is, admittedly, da shit. I don't think I would leave even if someone else offered me a free house somewhere else.

I need that!

I also saw a snippet of some of the Candadian mountains and woods recently, and yeah

I see you're close, so I can imagine

How is the travel as a single woman, btw

Do you get hassled a lot up there?

I haven't had any problems yet in my travels. In Canada the only weapon you can have is bear spray, but that shit has a better trajectory than pepper spray so I'm ok with that. Anywhere I go I have a fear of rogue mountain men, but so far I haven't met any. At first I really pushed myself to venture out deep into the wilderness, but then I realized it was ok to backtrack and stay at campgrounds until I started feeling more comfortable with my big environment.

I would really prefer to have a second human with me in the BIG WILD, but it's all about finding the right match.

Pick me 👍


Although I'm prolly not the best defence physically. Bit smaller than most big men who could protect you.

It fucking sucks having to walk through this particular fear on a daily basis. Outrageous, really.

But it probably sucks for the good men out there who also think it's outrageous. Wish they would step up and kick some ass now already.

Hey...we could always train a bear

It's not so much about the man-being and protection factor as it is about the safety in numbers thing. Come on up and let's take a hike!!

Up way north they have sled dogs that also accompany hikers in the light part of the year. Maybe in the meantime I can get one of those and Pilot can ride on their back when he gets tired. If I earn enough money on hive I can write the dog off as an expense.

I'd be there like a... well... bear if I could! :D

Honestly would love nothing more than to do exactly that.

And six huskies. Yeah!!! Pilot can ride with us :)

If I earn enough money on Hive? That's the goal, innit? What could be better than a monthly income doing what you love. And traveling with seven dogs?!

Traveling with seven dogs, huh? How big is this sprinter van we're gonna take??