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RE: the road to self-forgiveness is not paved

in Photography Lovers3 months ago

this could be it

It could be new experience, whatever that is...

I know it sounds dull, but everything happens at it's time, usually when one gets into - doesn't give a damn anymore, I'll make myself happy, I did the best I could - state.

...and some extra tears.


Doesn't sound dull. So many people say they found love when they stopped looking. Personally I am so down right now to just be on my own for the rest of my life that I have to pretend that I am looking so love doesn't find me.

Hahah you can't pretend that!

I wasn't stop looking, just was more picky, dropped of society expectations, kind of I knew what I want - roughly or perhaps I knew more what I do not want never ever- going in circles, seeing same scenario. Elimination theory sometimes works better than we except.
Go with what you don't want to feel and adjust on new 'unknow comfy peaceful gestures', I do understand what mental abuse in relationship does to person mind, been there done that.
Great mindfuck.

(deeply inside I was convinced it will be tinder match, my mostly visited dating place as firstly I had to chat with...)

That way I can figure out will I go will I no, some encounters were just pleasant dinner buddies with whom I could exchange but not romantically.

(not saying you should go on Tinder, just mine piece of experience as I can read myself somewhere between your lines)

Oh, girrrrrrl, I have tindered and bumbled and plenty of fished and all that shit and it's so not for me. I really loathe dating.

It's totally true what you say about the mindfuck of toxic relationships. Really, though, I genuinely don't want to see date or fuck or relationship (read as a verb) anyone. For me, right now, being single is da shit.

I'm glad, though, that you found your dear darling. 💕 You two seem like a good fit, going by what I have gleaned from your posts...

I miss being single too, sometimes (when I'm pissed off)

Relationships areeeeeeeee daaaaaaaamn haaaaaard on daily base, there is always something to work on.

We are until we get in fight :D

The grass is always greener on the other side unless SOMEBODY forgot to water their side again after he promised to do it...

I miss being single too, sometimes (when I'm pissed off)

I laughed!

The grass is always greener on the other side unless SOMEBODY forgot to water their side again after he promised to do it...

I love updated watering version!


😄Are you sad that I am happy being single because you were hoping I might fly to Cuba for a date some time?? 😉

I mean, I could think of worse reasons to go to Cuba...

Whatttt??? 😂😅

No, I'm happily single too. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Single rocks.

I mean... You're a great catch, but since I'm always rejected, I've decided to stay alone for life. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Looks like you're gonna be the one love finds when you least expect it...

I was thinking, today, actually (yes, I was actually thinking), that I think love did find me. Self-love. It's a pretty badass relationship.