My first ever sponsored Photo Session | Clothing brand | Bangladesh

in Photography Lovers10 months ago

My first ever sponsored photo session

My first time in 20 years finally I got the belief of achieving everything. I got my first sponsorship for being a Brand Ambassador. I have been hired by “Skyline Clothing” they have chosen me as their brand ambassador. I got this T-Shirt from them.

Modelling is not my thing, I feel awkward when someone take photos of mine. But after the sponsorship I thought of giving myself a chance! There I go I have made it. Situation can always turn the way of you leading your life. My life has changed now I am receiving more sponsorships to represent their clothing brands in Bangladesh. I do not wish to become a model in future. I just want to keep up with the sponsorship thing where I can choose what to wear. There is no hassle in this section because I can do my own photo shoot.

As I have said before when someone else is attempting to take my pictures I feel odd, So I’ve bought a stand and putted timer to click photos without any hesitation. I like being by myself without anyones help I am always trying to put efforts and do something by my own. I love to be independent and not relay on someone else.

Self photography was very hard at first , after attempting soo many times I got to click those pictures. As a beginner I am trying to give my best. Bringing up myself in-front of the camera is the very difficult thing for me. The brand had asked me to take photo of the back and front , the front one was easy but the back one was hard to get a good click. At the end got to capture a good view of the backside.

Photography is my another hobby, I am very ambitious about everything. Whatever I do I am always trying to provide the best version of myself.It was not believable for me that I could have done it anyways, I did it! By doing this photo session I have boosted up my confidence.

I hope you guys would enjoy my photography and guide me to bring up the best. If you have any opinion feel free to leave a comment.

My Other Social Media
  • The Photos were taken with Iphone 13 Pro Max
  • Edited with PicsArt Mobile app
  • All the Images and content are mine unless otherwise noted


All Rights reserved @ayamihaya


Hi @ayamihaya. I'd like to ask you to verify the ownership of your social media accounts you have listed here. I see only the Instagram account has been verified.
Please place the word HIVE in the description and let me know when I can check them. Thank you.

How long do I have to keep the "HIVE" word in the description on my other social media accounts? I had done it before on YouTube it's still there but on Facebook page and threads I didn't include it. Do I have to keep it on every platform? Or I can just remain with instagram and YouTube ?

Previously I had page with 35k followers on Facebook it was disabled. On this new page I have written a description about my old page, there is no space to add any more words,
it’s important for me to keep the description on there. I have written hive on the description of the page you can have a look.

Also on threads not enough space to keep it. I had to remove some texts in order to keep the word. You can check my threads now.

It’s very saddening for me because even after I had to do the verification 3 times in the past, I have to go through this process again.

I respect your decision because you are the respective moderator of this beautiful community, I must obey your order.

Thank you 💖

You don't have to keep the word Hive on your profile page on (although I don't see why you couldn't as I see you listed your 4 social media links in your post).

As soon as it's on, notify me here, I make a screenshot, post it here blow this post and you're verified, you can remove it. I've checked your YouTube account and can't see Hive anywhere.


Threads is verified.

But it’s already there maybe you have missed it, The Facebook page is themed as profile so it’s on the about and it won’t show if you don’t click on about. can you check again?
It’s on the about I also took screenshots.




Thank you @ayamihaya for walking with me through the process. You can remove the word Hive from these profiles if you want. You are verified on these profiles.

Thank you soo much 💖😊

You're welcome and have a nice journey on Hive 😃