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RE: My photographic Journey - Zoo Photography

in Photography Lovers3 years ago

Welcome to Hive and to the Photography Lovers Community! You have some incredible shots and it's never overwhelming to see. Thanks for being considerate of that though... and it's nice to have a little info with the shots. You have yourself a great start here on the blockchain. Keep up the great work and we are looking forward to seeing more of your photos.


Thank you for the warm welcome :) Is good of you to say it wouldn't be overwhelming, although I am conscious of not going spam heavy within the post. So aiming for a bit of moderation so as not to drown anyone 😂 But yeah, more to come that is for sure!
Also thank you for the hobbity image, for I love the films!

You are most welcome! My last post had 40 or more... and it probably was overwhelming. hahaha I think you are wiser than most newer users in taking a softer less spammy approach. It's hard not to get excited though!
All things in moderation.
When double-checking to make sure you were the owner of the photos i came across some online info that led me to our mutual interest in Tolkien things. I figured, as SteelThong put it, a Hobbits/Hiveits welcome was appropriate!
Have fun and enjoy your time here!

I used to have a habit of just spurging all the photos in the past, here have 50! and they would go onto flickr of old for nobody to see as it's been overload 😂
And yes perfectly appropriate and very much agreeable (said bilbo!). Now talking of Hobbits and all things Tolkien, That is going to be a topic for another day since, slight spoiler, I have a lovely collection of images from New Zealand!
And again thank you for the warm welcome 😊

Hiveits? 🤣

I guess Hiveits enjoy elevensies as much as hobbits 😂