Long brown veiny Cuban shaft

in Photography Loverslast year (edited)

Some like to get them into their mouths to suck on, and they seem to enjoy the experience. I don't generally see the attraction, it's not my thing, however Cuban cigars are considered some of the finest cigars in the world and are much sought-after...and I've smoked a few when situations called for it.

Like any premium product there's a process involved in the making. After about three months of growing time the leaves are plucked, the ligero - the top-most leaves which are the best, then there's three months of drying time. They're then rolled, leaves all the same way of course, a skill that apparently takes a long time to master. I've seen it done on a documentary...it looks easy, it is not though.


Interestingly, like fine wine or spirits, many elements come into play in respect of what makes a great cigar and the Cuban's do it better than the rest; a simple fact.

I come from a world famous wine region and understand the correlation between the climate and environmental factors, the soil and the human process that goes into developing the best grapes and, subsequently, wines. It's the same for Cuban cigars and the Pinar de Rio area apparently produces the best and most consistently high-quality leaves in the world and so the resulting cigars are touted as the same, the best.


Just how good a cigar may be is totally lost on me, I'm not cigar connoisseur after all.

I've had a few here and there though, a special occasion thing, and whilst it might have helped to create a memorable moment I'd not say I completely enjoyed the actual smoking aspect; I find smoking, cigarettes, cigars and pipes, to be a fairly disgusting habit, however at times it's been the thing to do and so I have.


You're probably wondering why me, a non-cigar-smoker, has this Cuban cigar though, considering my lack of interest in smoking them. Well, back in the day, it was somewhat of a thing for a group of people I was surrounded with to carry one of these around and, at the right moment, smoke it.

Not all of them were actual smokers of course, myself included, so there was probably some coughing and spluttering if I'm honest, but the point was that we all celebrated an event, success or notable moment with a Cuban cigar and, I have to say, I look back on those moments and miss them; the camaraderie shared by people such as those was something special.

I could light one up now of course, but it wouldn't seem right without the company of those men with whom I shared such moments.


Now and then we gather, those who can, and the whiskey bottles come out along with the Cubans and we sit around telling lies, embellishing true events, talking about the old days happy and sad, and remembering those who could not be there. It's a nice moment and I find myself carried backwards in time, drifting there on the smoke of Cuban cigars and the light-headedness brought on by one shot of whiskey too many.

These moments could occur without the cigar and whiskey, however they seem to create a bridge between two places and spaces in time and form a link of sorts. Could we buy cheaper cigars? Sure we could. Would we? Never! It would seem to cheapen the moment and weaken that link we value most.


I've never been to Cuba but it's somewhere I'd like to go. It seems so interesting, different from other places, and has a rich culture and history; I also believe the people are vibrant and friendly and overall that it's an exciting place to be. Places like Old Havana, Valle de Vinales and Cayo Blanco are on my list, along with immersing in the food, culture and mingling with the people; I'd like to wander about for a while, get local, and see where that leads.

I hope to make it there someday, and I think I'll be bringing some Cubans home with me...Cigars I mean.


Thanks for taking a look at my post; feel free to leave a comment, maybe sharing your own cigar or Cuban experiences if you'd like, as I'd be happy to hear them.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free.]

Every image in this post is my own.
Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III was used to capture these images.


Nice article! I smoked them a few times but in Italy they cost a lot. We have a good variety of handmade Tuscan cigars here.

I didn't know the Italians made them to be honest, but I certainly love Tuscany after several visits there, so if I'm in a position to buy one from there I'll do so and compare it against the Cuban ones.

I've never had the urge to smoke anything, whether tobacco or otherwise. My closest encounter with cigars was on the ski slopes of Mount Spokane, probably 20 years ago now. I distinctly remember another skier, gray-haired and portly, celebrating a break with an extremely foul-smelling stogie. It was outside the lodge, but it was...aromatic?...in a wide area out by the ski racks.

I've never had the urge to smoke anything, whether tobacco or otherwise.

Pretty much the same here, with the exception in this post. I smoked a cigarette once though (coughed both lungs out but fortunately recovered and replaced both.) It's not for me. To be honest, I find cigarette smoking to be a filthy and disgusting habit. The cigar thing was more symbolic really, something which maybe one day I'll fully explain.

I mostly only smoke when I'm on fire.

The cigar thing was more symbolic really,

I get that. Well, I don't get it (grok it?), but I am aware there's a certain symbolism to the special occasion cigar.

Yeah, one must grin an bear it for the sake of the team, you know? A few of us grimaced a lot.

Urban myth: apparently in days gone by it was considered that the finest cuban cigar was constructed, hand rolled on the inner thigh of a virgin.

I heard the same actually and wonder who came up with it. Hands on inner thoughts have led to...well, you know...why not the best cigars also!

who cares about cigars!!!!



You beat me to it as I only have one, so can't compete with you, but you took some great shots again. I suppose I could buy some, but as no one is smoking ...

I was looking around for something to photograph and ran into the box of cigars on a cupboard and figured I'd give it a try; I figured it had to be better than a photo shoot of my body parts in macro. 😂🤢

Lol, I don't know, you know your body better than me 🤣🤣🤣

True...Maybe I'll just do the post, let the blockchain decide for themselves. I'll get a new account too: @gdoguncovered

Lol, please tag me so I don't miss it 😂

Consider yourself tagged. I'll be selling NFT's (whatever they are) and signed prints also. Look out for it on Amazon.

The closest I have been to Cuba is from the TV screen, I admire the north and south America culture but I must have missed out on knowing that Cuba makes the finest cigar.

I honestly haven't tried one before and not sure I will, having it in might possession won't be bad and that might inspire me to have a feel someday.

It seems this bring back memories of your military days, the photography is awesome as usual.

I smoked a Jamaican cigar once. My brothers gave it to me on my 30th at a party we were having; it was @tarazkp's 21st the same day. The cigar was terrible and make me vomit...or maybe it was the bottle of scotch my brothers made sure I drank. Bastards! 😂

Either way, that Jamaican cigar was horrendous. If you ever decide to try one, make it Cuban.

As I have no cigar nor cuban experiences, I don't know if it's right to leave a comment. But what attracts me to your posts is the stories behind him. You could take a picture of the most random thing but then the story behind it is like the icing on the cake. I do hope to visit Cuba some day too. Now whether I come back with actual Cubans or not is another story.

Comments are always welcome.

Who knows what might happen should you go to Cuba. You might go home with a Cuban...or even a Cuban cigar.

Thanks for your nice comment about my posts; I like the challenge of making something out of nothing.

I get the underlying significance of the moments you are referring to in this post and while I obviously can't completely understand, there's definitely an emotion that you're relaying which hit me in the chest.

Great photos as always G-Dog.

People tend to mark significant moments in various ways I guess, it sort of punctuates the moment or event right? Have you ever done such things? If so, what and why (generically of course.)

You sure know how to stoke the gears to get the barracks humor in my head working.😀

I have smoked a few cigars before, but they are like wine to me. I wouldn't know a good one from a bad one.

You sure know how to stoke the gears to get the barracks humor in my head working

This is often the plan. Life is too short not to have a joke.

but they are like wine to me

I'm a little the same as I'm not a smoker, or much of a drinker; it's an occasional thing for me and the smoking of cigars is even more rare.

Hello, I am a Cuban. Your publication about Cuban cigars caught my attention and I must tell you that you are right, they are of great international fame and maybe that is why they create a kind of link that includes the one you mention and the desire to visit us, to get to know our beautiful country, which is certainly very curious and full of history. Also in the process of making a Havana cigar, more than 100 steps are needed and those who make them put a lot of effort and dedication into it.
My grandfather was a cigar maker. Did you know that in those places where Cuban cigars are made, there are people who read while the others work? These are interesting facts that have been kept from generation to generation.
Now seeing your photo I have been thinking about my grandfather, a lot. He used to make his own cigars. And in those cases, like the one in the photo he used to keep his fishing hooks. He was also in the habit of trying to make his tobacco longer every year and whenever I saw him with his pins and utensils to make them he always had a smile on his face. It was very nice to see.
We would love to have him here in Cuba, surely he would not miss a visit to the tobacco plantation, to the vega (the place where the leaves are kept and selected) and then to the factory, where he could enjoy the whole process of creating each vitola. And well... we have a great Festival, the Habano Festival, where in addition to the tasting and pairing of the different vitolas with drinks, beautiful humidors are exhibited. This world of Habanos is an art in itself. I hope you can visit us one day and enjoy everything here in the land of the best tobacco in the world hahaha... warm regards.

I'm pretty keen to travel to Cuba. I've been to a lot of places around the world but never over that way. I think it would be interesting from a cultural perspective and I'd like to learn some more about the history. Of course, the art of cigar making is something I would want to learn more about as well!

Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it.

😃 you are welcome

Cuba te espera :)

Hopefully you can come to Cuba one day!!! We would meet a couple of hivers friends and take you for a real Cuban experience. 🙌

It's very interesting that custom I see in other countries to celebrate with Habanos important moments, or some meeting.... We don't do that here. It's true that those cigars are high-end and not everybody has them on hand, but... I know of those who do and they don't smoke them for that reason either, but as something casual.

Right now on my table I have some beautiful 3 units of the latest Premium vitola of Habanos Partagás "Linea Maestra" (you can see them in this post, with which by the way I won a one month 25K in HP, this last one is not relevant, but it makes me very happy and I tell everyone) Neither my husband nor I are smokers, but we are closely linked to the Habano world, as we design luxury humidor furniture for these incredible cigars. Here is the Link to the ones that were auctioned at the last Habano Festival.

So, going back to the thread, many times we have these cigars, and they stay there, we usually give them away, as it is very likely to happen with these three. Do you want them?🤗

Anyway, I am very happy to see the opinion of other people who are not Cubans related with the beautiful things we can find on my little island. 🤗
If you come by, let us know!

We would meet a couple of hivers friends and take you for a real Cuban experience

That sounds awesome, I'm in!

I checked out that post (was great) and the website too which was interesting. It's really cool the mix of people we have here on Hive and how we're able to connect despite our differences and the distances that separate us. I' don't have any other social media as I don't believe in it, but I'm glad to have Hive.

Thanks for commenting, I was wondering if anyone from the Cuban Hive community would see this post.

We see you. You are welcome to come to Cuba, just tell us and we can meet.

It would be awesome and I think my visit would be better if spent with some locals instead of being just a tourist.

It's a better experience!

I'm pretty regular at Photography lovers and when I saw the photo of Romeo and Juliet in the thumbnail I immediately opened it.
That's right, Hive is amazing. I use other social networks, but Hive is the one that has allowed me to really connect with other people not only from other countries but also Cubans with whom now we meet regularly, either to take photographs or play frontenis 😅. So you know...drop by whenever you want 😉

If I ever make it to Cuba I'll announce it and we'll arrange a catch up or something! I think it'd be cool to meet some locals, a better experience than being a tourist.

Of course! We will be glad to welcome you 🤗

Didn't get the chance to smoke such fine cigars but only the common ones a bit in my youth when I was curious about the whole thing. However, I still dream of that day when I'll get to smoke a fine cigar just for the sake of the experience which somehow, makes people feel different while doing it - and I'm not talking about getting high but only about the fake impression of having a different social statute lol

I know what you mean, cigar smoking has often been seen as the domain of the upper class I guess. Many a "gentleman" has adjourned to the smoking room for a cognac and cigar after dinner. There's still places one can go to try out the finest examples of both, if one has the money or status I guess.

Well, I am one of the few Cubans who has never taken a cigar of any kind into my mouth. But I have been able to see the devotion of its manufacturers and it is true that the process of obtaining the tobacco is an art...and I love Las Vegas, it is incredible to be in there with all the smell that the leaves give off when they are drying.
One day you'll get to a vega and you'll remember me. jajajajajaj🤣

When I was writing this post I was wondering how many women in Cuba regularly smoke cigars. I figure it fairly comment.

In your case, well I think smoking is a rather disgusting habit and I find it a turn-off in women so it's good you don't smoke. I think it's for the best.

When I come to acuba it'll be the Hive party of the century, so get ready! 😊

Meanwhile I'm trying to understand that it seems to have a freaking case.

Yeah, they package them up pretty well, keeps them from getting crushed.

While I don't smoke, and never have, I haven't smoked anything from .... these photographs are excellent. I liked 3, 5 and 6 best. They are fabulous @galenkp

What a great post!!!😍

Yeah, smoking is a disgusting habit and I'm happy to say I don't either and never did. This cigar tradition is something else entirely but not something I'm inclined to talk about much I guess. Anyway, thanks for your comments on my post and calling out your favourite shots.

A beautiful publication, I always see an artistic side that I love!😀

I love smoking cigars , as a Cuban I have had the opportunity to see the process from the field to the final box and it really is a super interesting world and that catches , my favorite is the behique and cohiba maduro , they are very tasty cigars and very good to share with a good whiskey , thanks for sharing , regards

I bet the process is interesting to see and if I can make it to Cuba I'll definitely check it out.

Yes for sure , I think you would like it!

I was reading it and all at once I think back to my experience of smoking them with a bottle of Cabernet one of my favorites next to one of my sisters with whom I share the magic of smoking tobacco.

I was a smoker for years and 37 years ago I stopped doing it, I only keep smoking when I am with my sister in the USA.

If you come to Cuba, I invite you to my land in the land of the beloved sun and bathed by the same Caribbean to share a good tobacco and a good conversation.

Sincere hugs to you come this day 🤗🌴

Probably a good thing you gave up smoking, although curious that you still do it when you go to the USA.

Just a Cigar with this special sister to celebrate our reunion, and she does it too, we talk, laugh, and do things of confident sisters... it's magical that moment after not seeing each other in Galen years. 🤗

Good evening

Ah ok, I misunderstood.

Don't worry, maybe I'm not explaining myself well.

The English language is not my native language, I do my best when I write in another language.

I love different cigars and even have a collection and recently came across davidoff cigars by Cigar Spartan while looking for a reliable online tobacco shop and I have to say that my first impressions were quite impressive. The fact that they own physical cigar lounges adds a level of authenticity and expertise to their online presence. It's great to know that the Cigar Spartan team is a member of the American Tobacco Association, which is a testament to their commitment to quality and industry standards.

I've not heard of them to be honest, but I'll have a look and see what I can see. Thanks for the tip off.

Hey there! I stumbled upon this site https://www.cigarspartan.com/cigars/premium-cigars/curivari-cigars/ while searching for some great cigars, and boy, was I blown away by their collection of Liga Privada cigars! The Liga Privada series is known for its exceptional quality and rich flavors, and this website seems to have a fantastic selection. I'm particularly intrigued by the Curivari cigars they offer. I've heard great things about Curivari, and seeing them available here just adds to my excitement. I can't wait to explore more and maybe grab a few sticks for my collection. If you're a fan of premium cigars, this site is definitely worth checking out. Cheers to great smokes!

It seems you're interested in a decent cigar. I hope you'll get one (or many) and that we'll see a post about your experience.

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I've got a lot of experiences when it comes to smoking cigar and weed.
But the urge has reduced

I've never smoked weed, ever. It's never been something I've never felt inclined to do.

I find smoking, cigarettes, cigars and pipes, to be a fairly disgusting habit, however at times it's been the thing to do and so I have.

Be careful... Don't start smoking just for fun or just for trying. It is a very difficult thing to quit... VERY! You start smoking with a one piece obnly, and then it continues. They always say one time is good for nothing, but... That's how I started. Fortunately I was able to quit.

Cuban cigars are really famous, we recently watched a documentary about the liberation of Cuba and the revolution. Like many people, it is one of the places I would like to go and see the most. Its music and nature attracts me a little bit. But not the cigarettes, not even the last thing that interests me. I think if they don't put a gun to my head, I don't want to smoke again for the rest of my life.

I was curious and looked at the plane tickets..., I realized that I can't go ahahaha.😁😁

Too bad you can't go. Fortunately I have the financial ability to do so.

Yeah I need to plan for 2 people and it is really expensive considering there will be expenses in the Cuba as well. But I wish to travel there some day 🙏🙏😁😁

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That's awesome!, in Indonesia, we used to use coffee leaves as wrappers or binders and rolling green tobacco as a filler

That can't be good for the health.

After some of handy touch producing technique, it's taste good and less harm than it's raw

I am 70 years old dear friend @galenkp , and if I have smoked three cigarettes when I was young, not tobacco, it is a lot in truth I do not see smoking cigarettes or tobacco, not even pleasure, even though what my father did was chew tobacco It was something very spicy and he did it daily. Much has been said about smoking cigarettes and tobacco, that it is harmful and despite this, many people do it. It seems to me that your publication is very excellent and deserves many cures, because it is even an alert not to consume this product, which does so much damage, which atrophies the respiratory tract, with the lungs and arteries being the most affected, even the heart. I anticipate thanking you for your interesting publication, my vice is doing yoga and I have shared it with many for the good of health. I would appreciate your visit to my publication, where I detail the benefits of doing yoga. successes.