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RE: Funny bird action and a stranded Shark.

Well, in that case I hope you enjoy a wonderful Sunday and first day of the year, my friend 🌞

I could do that, or I just ask the shark dentist 🦈 and that way I avoid the stiches in my bum 🀣 !LOLZ

Maybe you like a !PIZZA fresh from the Oven πŸ˜‹

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Sunday was great and thank you my friend.

The shark dentist will not reveal his secrets, as he will think that you also want to become a shark dentist. So he will give you a number to call that will answer your question. I see a slight bit of trouble here, as the number belongs to my witchdoctor over here and he puts a spell on everyone that calls that number 🀣 !LOLZ

I hope that you will get better soon πŸ™

Cheers and thanks.

That's good to hear, my friend 😊

Oh no, not the witchdoctor again - I thought that guy was already retired somewhere in the desert πŸ˜‚ !LOLZ

As said in the other reply, tomorrow will be better than today and until the weekend I'll be 100% okay again πŸ‘πŸ˜€

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Hahaha, that guy is more that 100 years old and beware, as when he retires, then he might send his spirit into an Austrian mountain goat that he knows 😜 !LOLZ

Great to hear and I am looking forward to the good news that you are well again πŸ™

Cheers and thanks.

That means what? That I'll be the next witch doctor or that his spirit will use my body and I can only view what he's doing without being able to do anything against it? Well, in that case I think I'll prepare myself by searching for an exorcist who should take over as soon as I behave strange ... oh, I always behave strange, so how would he know when to do his work? πŸ˜‚ !LOLZ

I'm feeling better today. Still coughing a lot but a lot better than yesterday πŸ˜€ Hope you're doing well too, my friend ☺️

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Nope and nope again, you will just be locked up in cage and your wife will have to come and feed you by hand every day. He will not be interested in you doing his work and you will sit and drool in your cage every day, as he will store all of his sins in you to free himself. So you will become sort of a human depository box, as all of my sins will also be stored in you 🀣 !LOLZ

Good news that you are on the mend and I am sure that the coughing will also improve πŸ™

Cheers and thanks.

Well, that doesn't sound too bad and watching his and your sins might be quite interesting - maybe I'll never want to be free again, but watch the sins over and over again 🀣 !LOLZ

I'm feeling almost healthy again, my friend, thanks a million ☺️

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Hahaha, so you will watch sinful movies every day 🀣 !LOLZ

Great to know, as I was a bit worried a few days ago. But you are a strong guy 😊

Cheers and thanks.

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