Funny bird action and a stranded Shark.

A Happy New Year to all and we hope that this year will be a good one for everyone.
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The Egret and his partner were fishing and as the one caught a fish, a gull flew in trying to rob him.

Today, I will show you some sea life and at the end of the post a video about the end of a giant's life.
The rocky parts of the beach are the best places to go during the holidays, as the popular parts are packed with crowds. Very few people come to the rocky parts and the birds know that, so there are many birds here.
I will share a post with you that has both good and sad content and in my mind it is just the way of life.
The plundering seagulls were thwarted by the egret birds and sadly there is also an end to life.
Without giving too much of the story away, come and look.

Hahaha, the egret at the left was laughing as he swallowed the fish, then he shouted at the gulls; hey you lazy buggers, go and catch your own fish.

The one egret decided that he had enough of the marauding gulls, and he was on his way.

An aspirant Tern was tracking him to see if he would land close by.

But there was more to see.

The partner was gone, but the other egret also caught a fish.

The same thing happened, but the gull couldn't score as the egret swallowed the fish.

A tern was hovering high overhead to see if there were maybe some scraps floating around.

And so the gull started harassing the egret.

Mercilessly, the gull swooped around the egret and his plan was to chase the egret away as it was eating all of the fish.

Finally, this egret had also had enough of the gull's harassment, and he lifted off.

Oh! And of course, the gull watched the egret go.

And now for the sad part.

I have to admit that I am not a great fan of festivals or new year resolutions, as I have lived long enough to know the differences.
The one thing that I can tell you for certain, is that if we do not take urgent action to restore the damages to nature and the soiling of the ocean, then we will soon not have many new years left.
Note that this is not a doom prophecy as many feel the way that I do and the evidence are there for all to see.

I think that this is a male, Spotted Gulley Shark and its other name is a Sharptooth Houndshark, that washed up on the beach and I could see no cuts, or bruises on his body. These sharks are slow growing and can live up to 21 years


Normally if the sharks are bashed up against the razor-sharp underwater rocks, they are full of cuts and bruises, but nothing on this big boy.
And thus far, we have only seen dead sharks that were much smaller than this one.

Some kids arrived and they desperately tried to return the shark to the water, but he was long gone.

Beware! Do not watch this video if you are faint hearted.

In November we had a very large dead whale that washed up on the beach. Never a great sight to see when one of these mammoth creatures are washed up on a beach.

We couldn't go to see the whale as we were busy with charity work.
But I don't think that we would have gone in any case, as I don't like to see wonderful creatures ending their days like this. And so I found this video on YouTube to show you the incident. As you can see in the video, the scene was crowded with spectators and the whale removal teams with their heavy machinery completed the removal task very well.
Thankfully it is not every day that this happens, and we saw news of whales also washing up on other parts of our coastlines. Some still alive and one even had a small calf.
Makes one worry about the strange weather effects on our oceans.

This is life with both of its ups and downs on show and then we think that we have problems. Our problems are small, as the real problems are still to come.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70 Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post on behalf of @papilloncharity


The pictures of Egret are awesome, but I am sad about the Whale and dead Shark. Happy New Year to you too.

Thank you for the wishes and I wanted to show the way of life in the post. Both the good and the bad.

Oh! I GOT it my friend. Thanks a lot! Hope to be a new friend!

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Life is indeed full of surprises including the ups and downs. Hopefully we can all find or see the better solution to the existing problems and minimize the damages to have new years to enjoy. Thanks for the insight! Despite the issues of life, Happy New Year to you and to your family! 🥳

That is exactly what I wanted to show, as most everyone dreams of a perfect year and the downs become real problematic to overcome. The solutions to restore nature are there, but the will to actually do it is seriously lacking.

A Happy New Year also to you and yours 😊

I agree with you but nothing is impossible if everyone helps one. Enjoy your celebration. Have a nice day!

That is the dream, if everyone helps everyone, but I have not seen it in this lifetime and I doubt that it will manifest in the next, as everyone is set on only helping the self.

Take care!


Happy New Year!

Thank you and a Happy New Year also to you and your family!


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Your post began so lovely with the gulls and the egret and then I saw the dead shark - so sad to see such, my friend, and when I read "whale removal" I thought they'd remove it from the strand to the water ... sadly, I was wrong. Awesome but sad post in the end.

By the way: the shark's name includes the word "Sharptooth" - does this mean the other skark's teeth are not that sharp? 🤣 !LOLZ

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I wanted to show the ups and downs for us all in life my friend. I don't live in years, so happy yearly wishes are kind, but they don't work for me, as I live from day to day. It all depends on what I do today that will make my tomorrow better and so in my case a wish of a Hapy New Day will be more suitable 😉

The only way that you will discover if the other sharks have sharp teeth, will be for you to go to ocean to find a spot where there are many sharks and then to take a swim in the deep water 🤣 !LOLZ

Media headlines; "Senior police officer is the first man to run on water when he saw a shark and he only had to get some stiches in his bum when a shark chased him"

Cheers and thanks.

Well, in that case I hope you enjoy a wonderful Sunday and first day of the year, my friend 🌞

I could do that, or I just ask the shark dentist 🦈 and that way I avoid the stiches in my bum 🤣 !LOLZ

Maybe you like a !PIZZA fresh from the Oven 😋

Sunday was great and thank you my friend.

The shark dentist will not reveal his secrets, as he will think that you also want to become a shark dentist. So he will give you a number to call that will answer your question. I see a slight bit of trouble here, as the number belongs to my witchdoctor over here and he puts a spell on everyone that calls that number 🤣 !LOLZ

I hope that you will get better soon 🙏

Cheers and thanks.

That's good to hear, my friend 😊

Oh no, not the witchdoctor again - I thought that guy was already retired somewhere in the desert 😂 !LOLZ

As said in the other reply, tomorrow will be better than today and until the weekend I'll be 100% okay again 👍😀

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Hahaha, that guy is more that 100 years old and beware, as when he retires, then he might send his spirit into an Austrian mountain goat that he knows 😜 !LOLZ

Great to hear and I am looking forward to the good news that you are well again 🙏

Cheers and thanks.

That means what? That I'll be the next witch doctor or that his spirit will use my body and I can only view what he's doing without being able to do anything against it? Well, in that case I think I'll prepare myself by searching for an exorcist who should take over as soon as I behave strange ... oh, I always behave strange, so how would he know when to do his work? 😂 !LOLZ

I'm feeling better today. Still coughing a lot but a lot better than yesterday 😀 Hope you're doing well too, my friend ☺️

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

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@papilloncharity Happy New Year, I loved the photographs of the beach and the birds, it feels like a hot summer, a bubbly beach, I need the heat of the beach.😎
Sad what happened to those beautiful species.😞

Thank you and may the new year also be kind to you and your family.
It is indeed a very hot summer here and we are worried that many on the beaches will pick up severe sunburn.
Always sad to see it and if we don't stop our littering in the oceans, many more of these sad scenes will occur.


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