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RE: A peaceful pleasure to be out here.

Good morning Zac,

never mind, I don't expect many votes for this post anyway, but I thought it was time to show the vehicle I'm using for my photo trips.

It would look like a minimalist winter landscape if I remove everything - awesome 😀 !LOLZ

Yep, this cabin belongs to the image just like the lake 😉

I have no idea where I will go next week, but I want to visit some places where I haven't been before.

We have nice weather here with some rain every now and then.
Hopefully it doesn't rain too hard down there.
Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday my friend 🌞

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV


Good evening Hannes,

yep, it is not always about the votes my friend, as you shared what is important to you 😉

It will look like the Siberian salt mines 🤣 !LOLZ

Oh yes, it is always nice to explore new places. I hope that you will get some happy surprises 🙏

Great that you had a good Wednesday and we had some wonderful rain over here with only 15 minutes of sun.
Wednesday was good even though it was messed up by a lot of power cuts, and we have one now again from 8-12pm.

Cheers and thanks.

Good morning Zac,

that's right 😁

Never heard that expression, but in my mind I can clearly see how it looks like 🤣 !LOLZ

There will certainly be some surprises because I don't really make any plans, I'm just hoping for nice surprises 😀

You need the rain, but I hope that it doesn't rain too hard on some places. I think I have already said that I hate these power cuts.

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Good evening Hannes,

well at least now you know another expression and I know your mind 🤣 !LOLZ

Expectancy and hope always work for me and yes, one has to be aware of the pitfalls. So I hope that you will get some very nice surprises 🙏

Some great news, an area in the Eastern Cape ran out of water and overnight their dams were filled.
So yes, there is always the bad, but the good outnumbers the bad 😁

Cheers and thanks,

Good morning Zac,

I'm at the end of my nightshift and today's gonna be a long day at work until I can go home into weekend and holidays 😅

Haha, yep, and I will definitely remember the Siberian salt mines ... maybe 😂 !LOLZ

It will be one week off work and that's the most important thing for me, but I want to see lovely landscapes too, of course 😉

As long as the good things are more and better, the bad things don't matter that much, at least not to the ones who experience the good things.

I'm wishing you two guys a wonderful weekend 🌞

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Good evening Hannes,

by now your day is over and you are relaxing with the kittens, while planning your adventure 😊

Hahaha, only kidding as usual, but you know that 🤣 !LOLZ

One week away from work, means that you can really enjoy yourself properly and the nice thing about it is that you will a week closer to your retirement date 😉

We only have to remember to be grateful in both the good and the bad times. Some cry to God in the bad times and then they forget about him in the good times 😥

We really hope that your week will be a great one my friend!

Cheers and thanks.

Good evening Zac,

you have no idea how right you are. I'm sitting on the balcony and the cat Onyx is sleeping right beside me 🤣 !LOLZ
And I am planning where to go. My plan is very far north, about 1,300 km as I have written in the other reply, but I don't know if I find a nice spot on my way there and thus don't go further, or if I just turn around after a few hours 🤔

My son has had a really bad time at school so that he left it. He needed professional help and we cried a lot, but now we laugh and are happy, because without all the bad times he and we have gone through he wouldn't have met his boss and he wouldn't have a job that he loves. My son is the young guy - the other is his boss:

Thanks so much kindly for your good wishes, my friend, I will do the best that they come true 😁 and wish you also a wonderful weekend and an even better week ahead 🌞

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Good evening Hannes,

It was so easy to guess where you were and what you were doing 🤣 !LOLZ

No need to worry and just take things as they come. You and I have had failed trips in the past, but then we have also had great trips. So you just go out there and enjoy yourself until you have had enough, and then you will return with a glad heart, we hope 🙏

Just more evidence that that schooling system is not for everyone. They put all people in one box when they design the curriculums and it's a big mistake, as everyone is different. Instead of focusing on the children's talents and developing them according to their talents, they rather teach everyone the same dumb things. I also hated school and left early, but so did many multi-millionaires and although I have a degree now, I studied to develop my own talents and it has nothing to do with school.
Thank you for the link and we are mightily impressed with your son. We can see why you guys are happy parents now.

No weekend as raining cats and Austrian cows over here until Monday. Then the rain starts again on Tuesday. So you just go out there and have fun!

Cheers and thanks.

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