Caturday from parallel universe: my orange cats cheered me up.

My reality seemed to be wobbling, contracting and expanding spasmodically these days. I couldn’t even find the spare time to finish a post I started three days ago. So, living in the present meant that I had to go with new flows of energy and thoughts. I was thinking about my orange cats so I looked at their photos which suddenly cheered me up tremendously from the gloomy feeling of always failing to achieve my milestones. The way my cats interact with each other while sleeping was very funny. The brother and sister were always good companions and close to each other, though they would quarrel sometimes.


The feeding of stray cats at the temple by the river did help to anchor me in the everyday life world of reality, while I had to be back in the city to get on with unfinished tasks. But I didn’t have some of my favourite stray cats close by so I couldn’t play with them as I’d like to. My orange cats would know how to entertain me as they would pick up my moods. Sometimes a sudden sadness came over me causing me to feel unstable and lost. My orange cats would come to comfort me and sit by me. They were very sensitive beings with deeper feelings than I had expected.



Whenever they heard my voice on the phone with my gardener, they would react straight away. My gardener told me that they would stop eating their food and cry out loudly for me. These cats had no concept of mobile phones or virtual reality. It would be nice if my cats could tap on a special mobile phone to have ‘conversation’ with me. Perhaps with the futuristic technology and metaverse, my cats could also join us in metaverse in the near future.



Those two stray dogs continued to dig holes to get into the garden. My gardener told me that the two cats had to climb to the roof of the storage room by climbing on a small tree. My gardener found these two dogs sharing a stolen chicken from one of the neighbours’ house; they were feasting on the chicken at the back of the garden. The second time, they stole a second chicken and were sharing that in the parking area. The orange cats were hiding on the roof again. They were very frightened by these big black and brown dogs.



The owner of the chickens has been trying to locate these dogs’ owners for some compensation. My gardener told him that the stray dogs were living at the fisherman’s village by the river. I wondered why they liked our house and garden so much that they had to find a way into our garden very often. I could feel that they wanted to be treated and looked after like my cats who seemed to have a nice and secured lifestyle here. These dogs were so jealous that they had torn my cats’ sleeping mat to pieces; then several months later they sneaked in and shredded a sleeping cushion.



What could happen to these naughty dogs in the future was being poisoned if the people who were feeding these dogs wouldn’t pay for two chickens. It would be a pity as I still hoped that these dogs could change their attitudes one day. But if they became obsessed with eating fresh chickens, they would likely end badly. I should try to communicate telepathically with these dogs to persuade them to change their behaviour.



My cats are getting more like humans as they seem to understand our spoken words and try to respond in their cats’ language. A monk told me that cats and dogs were supposed to be reincarnated as human beings in their next lives. People who had lots of bad karma could go down the ladder of reincarnation, the closest to being a human being: cats and dogs. Perhaps that’s why they could get very close and loyal to human beings.



I had a close friend who remembered her previous life as a small dog. The dog died of old age leaving the owner who was a Princess very sad and heart broken. Then, one day a baby girl was born among the members of the royal household. Her father was a nephew of the last feudal Royal family, the coup overthrew the monarchy and planted democratic system in Siam. Nowadays we could call that ‘regime change’ for the Great Reset in the future.



As soon as the elderly princess looked at the small baby, she decided to adopt the baby straightaway. Later on my friend told me that her mother thought she was her beloved dog in a new reincarnation. My friend was very glad to hear that as she had a glimpse of her previous life as a small white dog running around a big garden. Besides, my friend just loved tasting dogs’ food while cooking big pots for her own dogs. So, the princess’ wish of having her beloved dog reincarnated as a little girl inside the small palace came true. They had many years of blissful happiness together until political troubles made life difficult and complicated later on. That led to my fateful meeting with my friend as a young girl in England at a countryside mansion where I was asked to be her guide and protector. Funny how cats and dogs jolted us into long forgotten memories!



Sometimes I did wonder where my old cats were in their new life forms. I wished they would be reincarnated as nice little boys and girls living in our village so that we could become friends one day. My two cats are very gentle and sensitive that they wouldn’t know how to manage in a defensive fight for survival. So I was very glad that they could climb up trees very fast and jump onto the branches from quite a height. My gardener was very concerned for their safety that she put some thick brown paper bags around some sharp branches to cushion them from being hurt. So, my cats have turned my gardener into a cat lover!


Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.


Yay! 🤗
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I hope those jealous dogs listen to your communication. I guess the chicken thing is a fun sport for them. I hope the owners pay.

I need some chubby orange cat therapy.😗

Oh! I hope you could find a place where you could have cats one day. Or you could travel to Thailand one day and visit us in the near future.

Love how your orange cats are so relaxed... You are fortunate to have them and they, you... :)
Peace and blessings to you and the kitties!

Yup! I was very lucky to have these cats! They are very nice companions.

The cats look very happy.

Thanks. They just eat, play and sleep !

Hepyy cure catt ;))

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