
LOL! You know what? That is exactly what I saw in that particular photo after I shot it. You have a keen and creative eye, no way you'd have seen that otherwise. For that photo and the one prior to it, I was walking about 4 metres behind them, first shots I took, then thought I should stand still and not be such a stalker in case they decide I'm some kind of crazy person.

Thank you @meesterdoom! I like this even better in black and white. I think I need to shoot some black and white photos next. Thanks for the inspiration. 😁

I do like a black and white myself. I have had that age old conundrum too if trying to take a photo of folk or their shadow asked not look like a crazy man!!

Black and white is what I started with long ago. It captures a different feeling and experience than colour. I'm thinking maybe I can get away with it more than a crazy man? Except for a woman a week and a half ago, decided to cross a four lane major street, get in my face and threaten me for taking photos of her when she wasn't the subject of my photos. There's something about a person with a camera, as opposed to a cell phone taking pictures that catches attention. I'm not sure why.