Santiago's colors - Street photography

in Photography Lovers4 months ago (edited)


Yes, these photos couldn't wait any longer. Those who are attentive to my posts have already seen the bustling streets of this eastern city in black and white. Four days ago I decided to share them with a few reflective thoughts. Today I want to show you its true colors.

Kind, hard-working people, shown here in their comings and goings, in their daily struggles.


This street, Enramada, is very picturesque and also offers tasty ice-creams in some of its stalls.


There is a popular saying that says that he who doesn't get dirty doesn't enjoy himself (quien no se embarra, no goza) hahaha... I assure you that I got dirty several times, of course.

But let me get serious... although this I just said is truly a serious matter.


This city was founded in 1515 by the Spanish conqueror Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar. There was no ice cream then, but I imagine they rejoiced with other things. Who knows what... if so, feel free to mention some of them.


Music, perhaps. 😉

It is said that a peg-legged pirate (as the French pirate François Le Clerc was known) sacked it in 1554.

Sorry, this reminded me of a song lyric. You'll just have to bear with me. 😂


Pero si me dan a elegir

Entre todas las vidas yo escojo
La del pirata cojo
Con pata de palo
Con parche en el ojo
Con cara de malo
El viejo truhan, capitán
De un barco que tuviera por bandera
Un par de tibias y una calavera
Joaquín Sabina

In Santiago de Cuba there is a museum dedicated to piracy but I didn't have time to visit it, maybe next time. And no, that day I couldn't be a photographer for Playboy 😜. So let's continue with the views of the city.


But I did get a photographic sweep.



The blue mountains fascinate me. I have thought many times that I wish I had had time to hike there and go birding. This trip only allowed me to get lost with a GPS, walk miles and miles going around in the same place, and get my companions lost too, of course. It wasn't so bad after all, because we were hikers with camera in hand and we did something. Photos, you see, eating ice cream several times, as if someone had sent us to taste it for a magazine, getting up early and taking cold baths in the mornings because I felt really exhausted.


I also tried one of these for free and remembered when I was a child my grandmother would take me to an amusement park and I would always run with my coins (pesetas) to buy cotton candy.


I enjoy a lot while doing street photography. People here are usually so friendly and they used to ask me to take their portraits.


Como te digo una "co" te digo la "o".



The translation of the title of this song is: As I tell you one thing, I tell you the other. This is another Sabina song that only Spanish speakers will understand.


I have been listening to Sabina while writing this post. Also, both songs mention Havana. In the latter, it's a kind of conversation between two people and one of them says he came to Havana, but he also says he will never go back. I think Santiago will go less. 😁


As for me, it is certain that I will return. And it seems to me that this visitor is super excited about the musicians on the street. I am almost sure he will come back to Santiago as soon as he can.


What I have left, uh... oh, yeah. Bikes.


We went to see that bay area and these boys were having fun and guess what? They also asked me to take pictures of them.

No argument. Here they are.


Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


Buenos días querida amiga. Que buen post nos has traído hoy, la verdad muchas cosas de las que nos contaste sobre la ciudad de santiago no las conocía. Por ejemplo el dato curioso del los piratas. Se aprende mucho de historia contigo. Genial👌.

De las fotos que puedo decir, están espectaculares. Me encanta como pudiste captar la esencia de la ciudad y las bulliciosas calles. Casi puedes sentir que eres parte del entorno. Excelente trabajo fotográfico.👍

Solo veo un punto negativo🙃, y es que me dejaste con un deseo de tomar helado🤣😅.

Pues amiga, un gran placer como siempre pasar a leerte. Saludos cordiales.

Yo también tengo deseos de tomar helado, pero tengo que aguantarme porque la última vez me compré una tina de 10 lts y duró 7 días. Para mí sola. 😵‍💫😜
Pues sí en esa época eran frecuentes los ataques de corsarios y piratas. Ese se llevó un botín de 80 mil pesos en oro y plata, joyas, además de la artillería y las armas que les quitaron a los españoles.
Junto con este, el corsario Jacques de Sores un año después saqueó a la Villa San Cristóbal de La Habana. Después de eso se construyó el Castillo de la Real Fuerza. Pero la Habana quedó devastada y en una miseria absoluta aunque no tardó en recuperar su esplendor.

Music! :D

And dance! Of course <3

And ice-cream. Always :)

And connecting. Looks like a lot of that happening over there

There are two things I enjoy very much in my life, music and photography. It is very nice to be able to capture the essence of places and people. Although this was quite a turbulent trip and I almost didn't get to stay for long. Maybe with more calm I would have achieved other things. These photos were taken while we were moving from one place to another to participate in some programmed activities.

Best regards, Nickydee 😉

You capture people's everyday life, their smiles and expressions in photographs. I love that, as well as the great text that accompanies them. The photo of the two men shaking hands, what a wonderful greeting but looking into each other's eyes. That is so important to me. Excellent Nani!😀

I like people who look you straight in the eye. I liked this scene very much when I saw it precisely because of the affection and admiration it conveys. And because it is a silent embrace between people from different parts of the world.

You are a very sensitive girl and I appreciate your observation.

We think and see quite similar, it's nice to find people like that, thanks to you!😘

He podido ver nuevamente a mi tierra a través de tu exelente visión narrativa y fotográfica. Saludos cordiales, nagüita... 👋🤠☕☕

El café de Santiago es bueno. 😜
Me gusta mucho esa ciudad y su gente. Son muy alegres y hospitalarios.

Saludos jjjj ... 🌞

Wow!... This is street photography taken to the highest level!... APOTHEOUS!... Thanks for sharing @nanixxx frien!... Congratulations, great skills, great work!...

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@nanixxx! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @jlinaresp. (5/5)

😊 My modest view as a photographer in a beautiful city. A work that I already treasure with love and happiness and also grateful for so many signs of affection here in Hive.

A huge hug!

😊 My modest view as a photographer in a beautiful city. A work that I already treasure with love and happiness and also grateful for so many signs of affection here in Hive.

A huge hug!

Curious characters.You have a great eye!

🤓 sometimes my eyes get blurred hahaha.... Joke. Best regards, and thank you very much for visiting my blog.

bienvenidos los vibrantes colores de la tropical Santiago de una belleza de lugar, bendecida con el aroma de Sabina y la Habana...

¡Bienvenidos! 🤓👀😅

You managed to capture amazing street shots, you see these are some of my favourites here there is no set or predetermined something, you actually went out on the street and pressed the button, well done.

Thank you. Yes, exactly, it was just shooting and shooting at everything that caught my attention in some way, because I had little time.

I'm glad you had fun taking random pictures.
I really liked them a lot.

Beautiful picture of the street life,Amiga. You really have gave me a view as if I was walking there. I'm sure you can guess which ones gave me a craving, jaja.

Hahaha. Ice cream for you. We haven't seen each other for days. I missed you already. I'll come and visit you, but tell me when it can be. Will you invite me to your first birthday celebration in Hive? 😜

Haha Amiga. I haven't been feeling well and a few real life events as kept me not so active for a bit. I have missed engaging with you as well 😊 Oh your invited to the party and yes you can take my picture, hehe.

lol... I knew it, let's get to work on the party. I hope you feel better now and well. Real life has to be lived for sure.

Quien sabe, sabe! 👏 {great stuff here}

No sabía que tomaste helado en Santiago jaja. Lo que mencionas me recordó a este post


No es para tanto a ver, a ver... 😝

umjú... elefantita.

Hi @nanixxx,I really enjoy these walks, I like the text, how you transmit love and respect for the people. I loved the colorful photographs and how you have collected the joy walking through the streets. The Sabina thing, is for another post, anyway, here is the topic ... Sabina. A hug

Joaquín Sabina is one of my favorite singers and songwriters. Are you going to write about him?
If you enjoyed the walk I'm happy. 😇

Hi @nanixxx, I think in music we have a little disagreement with the Rolling Stones and Sabina, I don't like them 🙏🏽. I like the fact that Sabina is from Atlético de Madrid and I sympathize a lot with that air of "loser" or "romantic" that he has. Today I'll finish watching Lucia, I'll let you know and on Tuesday I want to upload some music, I still haven't decided anything so suggestions are welcome. A big hug


I was listening these days to María Pelaé and Rocío Márquez.

Hi, following the suggestion I have the idea of a special María Peale and Tomasito, to dedicate a session to the rhythm, the rap and the art of nonsense, the most serious art. I already have the idea for this week, but it can be the next session. Thanks, A hug

Perderme en las calles de Santiago....

Tengo pendiente una visita larga y a esta ciudad que me ha regalado tantas alegrías. Tus fotos dan deseos de aterrizar ahora mismo ahi !!!!

¿Te imaginas a Sabina en Santiago de Cuba? 😂

Seguro que se lo pasaría muy bien con el fuego santiaguero. ¿Te imaginas a unos cuantos de nosotros perdidos por allá contigo?

De carnavales atras de la conga de Los Hoyos !!!!!🥳🥳🥳💃🕺💃🕺💃🎉🍻🎆🎆🎆🎆

Characteristic photos. The guitarist is great!

Thank you 😃

Lovely bunch of snaps, got to admit, its part of the fun getting dirty !

😁 You're on my team hahahahaha...glad you liked these pictures. You are very good at this, so your judgement is very important to me.

Go Team Nanixxx!!!!
what a kind thing to say about my opinions, cheers

Aside from colorful buildings, what caught my attention was the mountainous backdrop.. Have you tried hiking before? Hehe..
The cotton candy is pretty pricey, isn't it? It that $30, US dollar? 😅

30 dollars???? no way hahaha... that's why I ate it for free. Just kidding, friend. It's 30 CUP (it's the national currency) and at the exchange rate it's about 0.10 cents.

Have you tried hiking before?

Once in the Escambray Mountains in Sancti Spiritus, in the center of the island. And it was exhausting, but very very cool and I saw many birds and many interesting and photogenic places. I loved it.

I saw $ so I thought it was dollars haha
I wish to see you hiking again hehe. Mountains views there are probably pretty..

Beautiful Santiago and your photos are beautiful. You are very good at taking people as they are. I congratulate you.
Bonita noche.♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Linda tú, tú, tú 😄

Hasta mañana mamani.

Te quiero mucho.♥️♥️♥️🥰🥰🥰

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Muchas gracias por compartir, amigo mío. 🙌🏻✨🌞

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Yaiiii... Thank you very mucho 😜

Awesome job @nanixxx! Keep pushing yourself and you'll reach your Hive goals before you know it.

Buen trabajo @nanixxx todo en uno buenas fotos,buena historia e incluso música. Abrazo grande por compartirlo con nosotros.

Gracias Cris... un gran abrazo de vuelta.


Oooo, it's look very nice. I have to go there❤️

You can check my last post for Cefalu In Sicily.🌼🩷🤸

😅 Done