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RE: In our hearts forever.

You are so right and yes, with time it will become easier, but I dread the thought of getting another dog and having to go through the whole dying episode again. You are a tough guy with regards to the cats and you obviously enjoy them.

A lovely photo and at least you got those yellow flowers clear. Oh! And there are even some white ones.
Pity that you didn't come closer as maybe the swan or a turtle was hiding behind the grass 🤣 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.


Whatever you do, I hope that you two guys soon will think of Troy in a not so sad way anymore, but rather smile and only think of the fun you have had with him.

Thanks that you like the photo 😊 it was only a quick phone shot and I didn't even look whether something was sharp or not 😉 !LOLZ

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Thank you for the nice comment Hannes, but if I think about all of the good times, then I want to cry. But as they say, time will heal us 🙏

Ah! Yes, snap shots I know very well and occasionally I get one right, like this one 😊 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.

Yep, time will heal 😊

Nice shot, my friend, but this morning I have also been lucky !LOLZ I have been just a little bit too far away - your super zoom lens would have been much better 😀 I think it's a kind of buzzard, but I'm not sure.

Hope everything's fine with you 🙏

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

That is a great photo my friend, as you got him clear and yes, it looks like he belongs to the buzzard family. You are right as my zoom will get him life size for sure 😊 !LOLZ

We are fine and preparing to leave tomorrow for my hospital procedure. They are going to cauterize (burn) all of the lesions in my stomach. So I will be away for 3 days, but I will take my laptop with.

Cheers and thanks.

Thanks, my friend, but I will never become a wildlife photographer: my impatience and the weight of better zoom lenses for my camera are the reasons ... well, the impatience is the main reason, I believe 😅 !LOLZ

Thanks for telling me, my friend, I hope everything will go fine and at least these health problems will be gone soon - wishing you all the best 🙏🤞

PS, I have taken this week off because Thursday is a holiday here, and we'll visit our daughter in Lower Austria on Thursday. I also want to make a photo trip to a gorge and waterfalls before and after the visit, so I will not be much online till Sunday.

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Oh yeah! I know your curse of impatience very well and the wildlife will also know about it. So no matter how many lenses you may have, it will be of no use, as all of your photos will be blanks 🤣 !LOLZ

Thank you for the kind wishes and the care my friend.

So, on your Thursday holiday I was in the theatre at the hospital. I hope that you guys had a great visit and that your trip will give you great successes 🙂

Cheers and thanks.

Oh, I know that very well, my friend. Yesterday I've been at a lake and there were many swans, ducks and other birds. I haven't even tried to take photos of them, except one great crested grebe accidently swam into my image 🤣 !LOLZ

So far I've visited 2 gorges with lots of waterfalls and one lake. Today I'm having a lazy morning, but maybe in the afternoon I'll go to a huge waterfall in Slovenia.

You're already at home from hospital, so I'm hoping you're really fine again and wish you a wonderful weekend, my friend 😊🌞

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

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