Frogs. Just frogs and frogs only.

in Photography Lovers3 months ago

I've said it more than once - there is no certainty when shooting nature.

For example, you go out to the lake with the intention of photographing flowers and birds, and what do you bring home?


There were a lot of them by the shore. They must be in season.
Actually, when do frogs mate?

Už jsem to říkal nejednou - při focení přírody nemá člověk žádnou jistotu.

To si třeba vyjdete k jezeru, s úmyslem fotit květiny a ptáky, a co donesete domů?


Bylo jich tam u břehu hodně. Asi mají sezónu.
Vlastně, kdy se páří žáby?

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions I would appreciate it if you would throw them in the comments box


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I think you should kiss one of them there might be a prince 😉.
LOLS well done nice shots.

I'm sure it is. I'll kiss a frog 😁🐸, and there'll be... two frogs. 🐸🐸

That's hilarious bro

Myslím, že zrovna teď. Poznám to podle toho, že u cest přibývají "oplocenky" a značky 'Pozor žáby'

Vlastně o kus dál to bylo napsáno :)

I love these pictures. It reminded me of my sister, because she is so afraid of frogs. But really these pictures are great.