Cannabis Pollen Sacs

in WeedCash Network7 months ago

Hello Everyone,

Today I'm sharing some photographs of cannabis pollen sacs, along with a couple shots of the Green Crack.

Let's have a look.

Cannabis Pollen Sacs

Cannabis Pollen Sacs

Cannabis Pollen Sacs

Miracle Mack/Big Mack Superstar Males

Green Crack

Green Crack

The pollen sacs are growing and maturing faster than expected.

I'm really happy about this because I'll be able to clear these males out quickly and make space for the two smaller superstars in the back.

I'll be collecting pollen from both of the strains for future seeding.

The Green Crack is happy in the big tent and sucked up an entire gallon of water today.

That will do it for today.

What do you all think of these here pollen sacs?

I would love to read your thoughts in the comment section!

Thank you for stopping by!

Have a great day! -@futuremind


Nice man, for sure collect that pollen, it would be awesome to splash some around, those Macks have some great genetics, maybe it could even tame the green crack genetics :D

Thanks man,
It's interesting you should mention seeding the green crack because it's been a thought. The main thought is that there's a high chance of pollination even without my assistance because these sacs are gonna burst.
Being that the gc is an auto I am not sure what effect that would have on the created seeds. I'll have to do some research on it :D

Dam, you are not worried about pollination of the female

I am a bit yeah. The grow spaces are separate but it could still cause pollination.

Imagine smoking that weed here...
...i wish.

I hope you can get some good weed there sometimes.

Is hard yo cost it , need get 10g+ to find good material. Thanks G ⚡⚡🤛🏻

Looks good man. I’m glad you are gonna take advantage of the males and collect the pollen. It would be fun to seed some plants. I would love to have a ton of GDP seeds. That is my all time favorite strain.

Thanks man,
Does that GDP have a high sedation effect?
I am interested in growing that strain too.
I might seed a branch of the green crack to see what happens. I could seed separate branches too because I'll have two pollens.

We keep waiting for your post, now you post after so many days, good thing all the plants are grows very well.

I need breaks sometimes but then I come back recharged.
Thank you my friend.

They look so fresh
They must have grown so fast than you imagine

Thank you!
Sometimes they do grow faster than I imagine yes :D

Dude they look so amazing! Bummer its a male, but never a loss. :)

Posted using WeedCash Network

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I called her up and asked “Did you get my drift?”

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