Why Do People Fear "The Process Of Change" Despite Adoring "Change" Itself? (A Life Ramble)

in DTube5 years ago (edited)

By default people love their privacy, their comfort zone and this fact generally Juxtaposes the fact that people by themselves adore the necessity of change, they adore the progress that it brings with it, but then they hate the process of change itself because it's tasking, demanding and herculean. In this video I gave the many examples with animals and how they embrace the process of change which of course brings change itself. This concept is however different with people, change is lovely but then the process makes is recoil back into our comfort zone. Why is this? In this video I talk about it all.

(Don't engage based on what you've read alone as this is just the tip of the iceberg, the video will eventually enlighten you more.)

▶️ DTube

True. Everyone wants to be better but afraid of the process of the change. I think it's cos of the uncertainties that scares us. I myself am afraid of it, but the world is big and my comfort zone is just small. We have to go out and experience different things. :D

Also you have a new mic :o I haven't seen that before. When did you get it?

You're definitely right, the uncertainties and the process of change can be quite difficult and when we look at things we have to go through just to get experience the goodness that comes with change it often makes us feel like backing down.

Thanks a whole lot for dropping by. The microphone? Oh I bought it about 2 weeks now, some of my listeners complained that they couldn't hear me, so I had to get a cheap mic to at least talk.

Change is something we want but fear implementing into our lives because of the unknown outcome. The comfort zone seems to be very comfy for most of us.
Interesting topic

Yeah our comfort zone is something we love and it truncates the essence of change and all the process of progress we needed to go through. Thanks for the comment brotherly.

You are welcome bro