Fresh travel with nature on Wednesday morning to get the healthy air and refresh my mind || Village Nature || Wednesday Walk ||

in DTube2 years ago (edited)

Hey Friends,
Happy Wednesday.Happy Wednesday from Bangladesh.How are you all my dear friends.I hope all are well.
Friends, you know sometimes I love to travel with nature and enjoy the natural beauty.Especially I love to travel with village nature every morning.Every morning I try to spend some time in nature.And sometimes I try to share with you my travel moment with nature.Friends In the morning the nature of village is calm and captivating.Anyone will be fascinated by the nature of village in the morning.In the morning only the sweet call of birds can be heard in the middle of nature.In the morning I get healthy air in the middle of nature and can receive healthy oxygen.

Spending time in nature in the morning is good for the brain.And the mind becomes fresh.So I try to travel with nature of village in the morning.It is good for my health.So today, Wednesday morning, I traveled through the nature of village to get fresh air and refresh my mind.I made a video in the morning while making a fresh trave with nature of village.I shared the video with you here.In today's video you will see the morning nature of village and you will hear some captivating sound.I hope you enjoy this my fresh travel video.

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I think spending time with natures is good not only fir our physical well being but also our mental well-being

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

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I went out in the yard today to get some stuff out for Spring and Summer. I washed the swing set cushions. In the Winter, I don't go outside nearly enough, but with our swing, I like to sit on it and just enjoy the animals that visit our yard (cats, squirrels, birds). I don't bring my tablet out. I'll sometimes bring out a book. I'll relax on that swing.

What I do appreciate about Winter is when I do venture outside of the house, the cold is calm, quiet, especially at night because snow absorbs sound. The air is crisp. I don't like the cold, but I appreciate the stillness of a cold Winter night.

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