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RE: Does D.Tube still have the issue where videos dont play after x amount of time?

in DTube2 years ago

Yeah… I couldn’t get Dtube to work for years…but since they added the log in I got it to work. I’m earning a lot more on Blurt and Dtube now than anywhere else. The trick to Dtube is that you need to also have a Dtube account with some DTC coins to post the videos. I bought a few Dtube coins on ionomy and send to my Dtube channel and got it working.


See you on Blurt…. Https://



Interesting, I wonder what the connection is? Also, I decided to lookup some old videos on DTube to see if they played, and they did, but only because they were simply embedded Youtube videos. It looks like Dtube just a curated Youtube selection now? is that correct, or am I missing something?

No. Lots of people posting original videos every day. I just find it quicker to upload to YouTube and then copy paste the URL… my videos get automatically loaded to Odysee too. With Dtube I’m earning DTC, Hive, Waivio, VYB, POB, Steem, TRoN, Blurt, LBRY, list, bee, Cine, and many more. Usd on YouTube and HideoutTV… adds up to thousands a month …

So DTube is both an original video platform with its own exclusive videos + it also acts as an aggregator that auto-uploads to other platforms of your choice? Sorry for all the questions, it just changed so completely I am still;a bit confused by it. Still learning about the other HIVE ecosystem stuff, just learned about the wallet in PeakD that shows your other HIVE-based tokens a few days ago...learning slowly but surely. I am fluent in knowledge of other coins, just been away from HIVE too long.

Is “ Blurt” same login keys as Hive?


It was another Fork from Steemit in July 2020… you already have a blog there …

I made over $40,000 usd on Blurt in 1 year. Just posting my films and photos.

You can also buy Blurt on Ionomy :

And on Hive-Engine…. SWAP.BLURT

I’m having issues posting. It just keeps timing out. I only have like 35 blurt powered up. Hey wanna make a trade? If I give u 5 hive here will u send me some blurt of a little less the same value? Keep 2 hive for the trouble then give me whatever 3 hive are worth. Down?

Assuming this could be issue not having enough, but it’s not telling me that. No harm if I’m wrong so let me know.

I see you were able to post… yes you need some liquid Blurt to post..
I sent you 10 blurt to keep you going … I try to keep 100 liquid blurt to pay the small micro fees … those fees are burned so they are reducing the supply of Blurt, which is a very good thing for the long term value of Blurt ….


Ok… send me 5 hive here and I will send you 100 blurt over there …

Thank you for the info, I was about to ask the same thing as geneeverett did. Interesting, so Blurt is a fork, but it has small fees, and the fees are burned? That sounds like a better form of tokenomics than HIVE, imo. In my opinion, all coins with unlimited supply, should have a burning mechanic of some sort. I own plenty of Monero for example, but I would have bought 2x as much if it burned part of the fees. But I do of course love the HIVE community! HIVE and LBRY have the best alt-tech/crypto social media communities I have ever seen in the space, it is really pretty impressive stuff.