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RE: What The F@#k Street...

in Rant, Complain, Talklast year (edited)

Coolest porch for sure. Don't worry about your loss of creativity. I mean, it never bothered you before. Dot dot.

My dude, whaddup! Lotta cool things you've done for me over the years but this is champagne. Thanks man. It's the confidence I use for book 2 and 3. All I got for #3, so far, is the title but I spent a lot of time on it: Your Culture Sucks.

When's that mini truck gonna be in the Appalachian's? Coffee's on me. Say when.

Have I shown you my belt? 1-10, how girly is it?

The bandanas are bonus. Bon'us' not 'er.'

Thanks man.


Wish I xould reward more with my POS up-vote.

My vote is Jack Shit and Jack left town...


"Don't worry about your loss of creativity. I mean, it never bothered you before. Dot dot."

It is 3 dot dot dots Slappy...

I guess your not that creative either..?


Artsy Fartsy...

 last year  

The hope gif is why art's so expensive.

I just realized...

You took your pants off for me.

I just took a wrong turn down WTF street again didn't I..?


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giphy (11).gif

 last year  

L o L I just laughed out loud louder than I've laughed out loud at anything all year at that toll booth gif. That is so funny.

 last year  

That’s one way to avoid a toll, they liked Dukes of Hazard a little too much maybe.

 last year (edited) 

Not sure I should admit publicly how I can't control my laughter at that thing and wish so bad there was another camera angle with a landing view.

This should do for now...

I love that Ozzy Reviews stuff...

 last year  

That was a smorgasbord of toll booth bloopers only better. That round-a-bout is awesome, what a ride that would've been.

Also, he said "suck shit" which I've never heard in that context nor considered using the phrase but I'll be experimenting with it now.


Just beware of experimentation...

Time travel can accidently occure.

You see where it got you with the alcohol and sign-off allergy meds.

Look where sexual experimentation got this guy...


My past "Shit Experimentation" went horribly wrong also...

I wished for wealth and early retirement in one hand and took a shit in the other... (dot dot dot)

Guess what hand filled up first?

Yep. You got it right.


I love the Trucker Hooks a Honda one..1:45 mark.

I see you avoided comment on the "Dance Off with Your Pants Off"?

I do not blame you...

You could always do a Reply/Comment gone wild post about why your pants were hanging there without you in them...


"When's that mini truck gonna be in the Appalachian's? Coffee's on me. Say when."

Rumours and Speculations have me running some Food Lion layover loads to that Asheville area. NC/TN

We will have to wait and see...


 last year