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RE: The Coming AI Revolution

in Rant, Complain, Talklast year

I've only got two words to say about AI.

I bloody hate it and think it's the (further) wilful dumbing down of humanity.

OK, more than two words.

Seriously though, I don't like AI art or writing...or those who sit back and think proudly about what they created with AI.


Yeah, I really don't get why people are displaying it proudly. Knowing how to use the tools is useful. Knowing how to use AI in the future will be like knowing how to use Google now. But displaying what you created with the AI isn't really something to be proud of... I don't know, I don't want to judge people, but I do really find it odd.

 last year  

It's pretty bad in my opinion. What happens when AI writing is all there is? What happens when humanities' creativity is AI and not made by humans? People hide its insidious nature behind words like progress and technology and I get that's what happens...but I believe it'll be the downfall of humanity. Think about the relative fraction of a moment humans have been around...What have we done to the planet and ourselves? All in the name of progress? Nah, I'm not buying it. I know people will disagree with me, many people, but that doesn't negate my opinion.

There's been so many empires rise and fall. Remember Samurai, the Romans, Alexander the Great, the Egyptians, Mayans...Gone. Well, someday, a group of gazelle and lions will be sitting around on the savannah having a beer and some sushi saying, remember those nutbags called humans? Thank goodness they're gone.

I'm not saying AI is the only culprit...Humans are the only culprit.

This is an interesting discussion to be had. I have to run out with my kids in a few minutes so I can't make it haha, but maybe later we can resume. Briefly: I agree it will be the end of humanity. I think it might be the rise of something new, but that new thing won't be humanity anymore. Do you remember the Six Million Dollar man? That's coming. Not in the hookie way that old show predicted, but in a much more insidious way.

Sorry, kids are pulling at me. I shall return at a later time.

 last year  

Go man, we can talk about it some other time.

But yeah, the end is coming, all things come to an end, even the planet will eventually. Humanity, it its hubris, seems not to understand that and only act in ways that exacerbate and accelerate the problems and demise.

Anyway, that's all pretty sad...Enjoy your day with your kids.