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RE: It's On!

I should have been born in Newfoundland by the sounds of it.

I think I would like to live on an island. I love the water. To be surrounded by it would be tops.

Lol. Those are funny. It's surprising how many of them phrases sound so English. Done people even say, Me ole cock up here!

It works be fun to live in Placentia, right enough!


LOL, seems like love at first sight! It's so massive in size, many areas to see there and you don't feel like you are on an island. I grew up by the Atlantic ocean, really get that draw. There's nothing like it.

I would suspect there's some English settled there, although majority are Irish with similarities in accent.

Its funny those islands that are massive, sometimes you are surprised to get to the coast and see the sea!

The Irish accent is a thing to behold. At least the regular Irish one that is. The north of Irelands accent is an awful thing :OD

That's true. It's the largest island I've ever been on. There's also Prince Edward Island, so small, so tame, so flat, so awful in the winter, but lovely in the summer.

Hahaha, regular Irish accent! I find the accents differ from county to county. I can't recall a northern one at the moment, but I'm sure you're on the mark. I think I'll have to find it to listen to it, so I can experience the awfulness first hand.