Am I the Laziest Writer Ever - Part I

in Rant, Complain, Talk6 months ago (edited)

This is the start of what might become an epic series

or not

it depends on my 'laziness'.

Also, it could as much be the beginning or the ending
( but not necessarily in that order )

Sometimes I ask myself if I am perhaps the laziest writer ever


Probably because of the 'seeming' slowness of my creative process.

The fact that, even after over four decades on this planet and probably 35 years of writing experience, I still don't have a plan, once I sit down to write.

I don't follow a structure.

No matter how many books I've read about writing and screen writing, no matter how many podcasts and audio books I have listened to or the thousands of books that I've read.

Even with all the writing experience that I acquired, there's usually no plan.

I follow my intuition.

And my intuition often tells me to

slow down

to not force things
to not set deadlines
to do less

as I'm honesty already doing enough.
It just doesn't seem like it, to the outside world

I think...

And talking about thinking:

In all honesty, I know that I am not lazy at all.

It's just that, in this society focused on productivity and results, starting with the Industrial Revolution and reaching its peak in the recent years, I might look 'lazy' to some many

but, really, if you would have an idea of the '(hyper)activity in my mind and brain, and how much energy I consume by thinking (alone), it's impossible to call me lazy.

In fact, just like my mind, I can hardly sit still ;<)

Which brings me to a possible future entry in this series: walking


P.S. Raise your hands if you can relate. That is, if you aren't too busy acting 'busy'.

Although this drawing, that I made this weekend, says: "Mr. Moustache about to land on shaving cream", your vivid imagination dirty mind might tell you something else.

The other pictures were not created by my dirty mind vivid imagination but by my phone's camera, today.


I absolutely can relate. Productivity is something that I think about, on a daily basis. What am I doing? What should I be doing? Yesterday I think I had a breakthrough though. It occurred to me to ask: what would I like to be doing? It felt liberating. It felt like I was moving/acting from a place closer to my center (my intuition), instead of acting according to my head, according to an idea of what I should be doing, an idea that probably got implanted from the outside, from a bunch of cultural messaging. Absolutely I sometimes like/love to work. And sometimes, like yesterday, I like to just sit.

 6 months ago  

Thanks for your elaborate response :<)

Breakthroughs/ eureka moments like the one you mention are always nice. Although, in all honesty, in my case they usually are forgotten about, soon after. I just think a lot and change my mind over and over again.

I have to admit though that I focus more and more on "what I like to do" instead of what I "have" to do. Or, in the latter case, Do I really have to do this now? without feeling guilty about postponing. It's merely prioritizing and listening to my intuition as much as I can, as my (over)thinking often hasn't served me/ made me feel better.

I sometimes like/love to work. And sometimes, like yesterday, I like to just sit.

Hear hear.
Yesterday, I merely rested. It was much needed.
Today I feel energized, again.

Have a good one!👋

You can't force creativity. it comes or not. I hope you can use the studio 24 hours a day :)

 6 months ago  

I hope you can use the studio 24 hours a day :)

Why? Are you looking for a bed? ;<)
Always welcome.

I can, actually. I have the keys to the building.
Just need to make it a little more comfortable.
Ordered a huge bean bag ( zitzak ) to do exactly that.


I asked some huge empty coffee bean bags at the coffeerlshop (not the Dutch version) recently. I will fill them up, so I can relax anywhere. The bed in the van is still acceptable. Only the noises outside in the Netherlands...leafblowers, trucks, machinery

 6 months ago  

I asked some huge empty coffee bean bags

Chairs filled with coffee beans? ☕️

The bed in the van is still acceptable. Only the noises outside in the Netherlands...leafblowers, trucks, machinery

I see.

As you know, I too have got plenty of noises to enjoy, in my 'busy li'l city street' in the Portuguese campo ;<)

So you see, high sensitive characters can hardly get a rest.

Those coffee bags will be filled with soneting softer. And while chilling on the bags, enjoy the coffee.

 5 months ago  

We tend to do things in our own way and that’s often just how it goes. Some are more prolific than others. Hell maybe in 50 years when you’re a fragile old man you’ll be recognized for your wonderful writing! I certainly hope for more before then but for now, I and many others can support you in the little way that we can through here man!

 5 months ago  

Cheers mate! I appreciate your comment and I agree with you

Hell maybe in 50 years when you’re a fragile old man you’ll be recognized for your wonderful writing! I certainly hope for more before then

Time will tell. I hope it will slow down a little bit though, I still have plenty of plans.

Have a great last month of the year!

I think it is wonderful that it is your intuition that drives your creative process. I believe the outcome will be more authentic and you will be happier with the whole process as well.

 6 months ago  

You get it!

I have to be patient with myself though.
As you sure know, we tend to be way harder on ourselves than we are on (most) others. We need to treat ourselves as we would treat a friend ;<)

Sending you a hug ( and one to myself too ) 😜

Well your so funny. I love your writing style, you write very well. I would like to ask Mr moustache have landed on the cream or are still there in the air...!!! lol,zz.. First of All when i saw the drawing i think it's butterfly but When i read the capactions than i know its mr moustache .😂😂😂

 6 months ago  

Have you ever seen a butterfly with nose hairs?

I learned from my friend @justinparke that butterflies love to sit on ( and enjoy ) 💩 and piss.

I still think they are beautiful creatures though.

I would like to ask Mr moustache have landed on the cream or are still there in the air...!!!

No, because it wasn't sure whether it was shaving cream or dog shit and without its moustache it won't be able to fly.

Hahahaha definitely not. 😂 but it's look similar to the butterfly 😋😂😂😂

✋ (raised hand)

...especially when people ask you "what you do all day" as if there wasn't plenty to do that doesn't involve busy business!!

What I like though is creating "shitty" art/writing/whatever, getting into a habit of just create weather you like it or not, that can lead to quite a nice flow of creativity, I find:)

(...or conversations around kitchen tables, works too:D but you already know about that)

 5 months ago  

Haha! Nice comment.

What I like though is creating "shitty" art/writing/whatever, getting into a habit of just create weather you like it or not, that can lead to quite a nice flow of creativity, I find:)

So true!

If anyone can understand me, it's someone like you :<)

( Real ) Conversations are super valuable too and preferably not just with our own mind ;<)



( Real ) Conversations are super valuable too and preferably not just with our own mind ;<)


Funny, this feels kind of related to what I just posted :-D I make deadlines just to try and get myself moving...I think we can create rivers for the water to flow through so it doesn't leak every which way. But then when the deadline isn't serving me, I tell it to suck it!!!

 6 months ago  

I used to force writing but I ended up with burnout.Now I am lazy but also not lazy. I just let things flow and take breaks whenever needed.

but, really, if you would have an idea of the '(hyper)activity in my mind and brain, and how much energy I consume by thinking (alone), it's impossible to call me lazy.

That's me everyday and I wish to just pour them all out but sometimes, I filter way too many things just so they look decent/presentable.

 6 months ago  

I just let things flow and take breaks whenever needed.

That sounds like me. Great tactics!

Health is underrated.


Am I the Laziest Writer Ever

Bro ! ! !
It's a title no one can snatch from me.

But the struggle is real with the creativity process. It may seem effortless to many, but it has many prerequisites to attain that state. Starting off the environment, motivation, mood, and all the internal and external parameters must be perfect for the creative engines to be on.
And the scale of productivity is broken mate. Nothing ever going to be good enough for many people. They are at this point just mechanical.

 6 months ago  

Bro ! ! !
It's a title no one can snatch from me.

How is it possible that I wasn't even thinking of you when I wrote this? ;<)

But the struggle is real with the creativity process. It may seem effortless to many, but it has many prerequisites to attain that state. Starting off the environment, motivation, mood, and all the internal and external parameters must be perfect for the creative engines to be on.

If we overthink things too much, yes.

Let's keep going and flowing...


I’m glad you know you’re not lazy
There are just times when nothing is coming into the head and that’s just it
I love the drawing!

 6 months ago  

There are just times when nothing is coming into the head

That nothing happens to me
it's just that I'm often on a different wave length, like a radio set on the wrong frequency

There's so many distractions ;<)

I love the drawing!


It is true that we all have to do our work but we keep delaying it and doing it after spending a lot of time which is how you have started this story now. This painting looks very beautiful.

creative people are the slower ones.

 6 months ago  

I will take that as a compliment ;<)

Somethings go well even without planning :⁠-⁠)

 6 months ago  

Yes! I think that's called nature ;<)

 6 months ago  

I don't think intuition ever deceives us. It's usually spot on.