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RE: Looking for Christmas with Market Friday

in Market Fridaylast year

If you don't get them in tonight, post it tomorrow (you didn't hear that here!) or wait until next week. I put my extra pics in a folder for when I am hard up. I am pretty easy as it is not a contest, so nothing is gained or lost.

I love that expression and it does remind me exactly of a store like this! LOL So accurate, it is funny! :)

I wish you could see the effort they put forth so that it looks this way! I want to thank you for being such a great supporter!

#MarketFriday loves you!


I can only imagine how much time it takes. We are probably kind of spoiled where I live since we have Bronners right down the road. We still have a lot of local nurseries that go all out with their staging of holiday decor. I'd definitely rather buy from them than the chain stores if we actually decorated that much!

I agree! I don't buy at chain stores. I love Bronners !! Oh, what a real wonderland that is! You are spoiled! This store does Christmas from August to January. Close enough for me.