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RE: Facts From Our Little Coffee Shop

in Market Fridaylast year

Your spring has sprung! I love that you end your posts with a flower/flower inspired!

That really was a fun post! :) The debacle of the barista is one that you are not alone in. I thought they were males! Imagine my surprise when I saw my first female. There is no education on these things. You are presented with something new to you with no explanation, so the only thing you can do is make assumptions... Until you assume wrong, or they change the rules and don't tell you. I think you handled the words fine. I knew exactly what you meant, or perhaps because I believed wrong at one time too. :)

For being uninspired, I would say that you always manage to pull off a nicely written post and I would never know it until you tell me how much trouble it was. I have trouble beginning, and my ending is also rushed and not at all how I want to end them, so I truly can commiserate on that. I have decided to start something new soon. I will take a day and only write ideas, and beginnings and use them as prompts. It will probably go nowhere, but, I have to try. It is only because I am so busy now. How does that happen? I thought I was catching up on life and boom! No. Not at all.

The thing I like about your posts (and where I lack terribly in mine!) is that you explain everything in a way that develops your post fully. I like that and admire that kind of style. It has a beginning, middle and end... nicely done. They always are. I feel like mine are hanging... but, after all these years, maybe I will develop a better style. Who knows?

Thank you, always. I enjoy reading your posts very much!

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow? This week anyway, yes? I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

#MarketFriday began as a way to reach out across the globe and learn about different cultures through their markets, especially local markets and farmers' markets, and eventually branched out and evolved over time from straight shopping to a cultural affair as it highlights how we differ and then again, how much we are alike. We have become a melting pot of culture, but it is still the Rituals, Festivals, food, architecture, and even your language/languages that separate us... Along with the fact that these things are normal for us. There are unwritten rules that rule our social behaviors. I see this as allowing for increased tolerance between cultures and nations, and opportunities to come together on an even playing ground. A strong culture can be beneficial to a country as it promotes unity, especially during a crisis, peaceful debate, and open dialogue. I have learned so much about all of you and it has been an amazing experience. I can only hope that learning about each other can help us work together for a peaceful world.

Thank you for being a part of #MarketFriday


Thank you, Denise. I feel like I really have to tell you @dswigle, thinking about how busy you are!
I get so much pleasure when I read your comments that I can't stop telling you this.... and thank you!

I wanted it to be a fun post and I'm glad you confirm that I succeeded.

Again I'm glad that it once again turns out that you and I are alike, both in the way we don't understand things and in the way we both suffer both at the beginning and at the end of putting together a blog.

It has a beginning, middle, and end...

This is one of the few things I learned in school that I haven't forgotten. To write a composition they used to say back then... that is to write a story. To think hard about how to start a post..., not with "Hey Friends, what have you done?" or, "Hey Hiveans!"...

I have decided to start something new soon.

Interesting, glad to hear that! A change can be a good thing. I'm glad you care and especially glad you haven't lost the pleasure of writing here.
I, too, have been looking for a change, especially when I find that shorter, impersonal posts can be more appreciated than long, laboriously crafted posts. I'm still looking... I too have been thinking about some sort of "automation", using some templates, etc.

The big problem, which I see you are also facing now, is time. Things are happening around us and our somewhat organized life can be messed up very easily...

Thanks for thinking of me and even praying (thanks again!) about my health. I've calmed down. For one problem I received medication (prostate) and as for my heart, I received the news that I am chronically ill, an atrial electrical problem... i.e. paroxysmal fibrillation that I will have to live with for the rest of my life. So far it's not that serious and no surgery is recommended. I can still drive my car... I hope to be back in Balchik around 20 June, as for Greece, it is more problematic, both with health and money... but until the end of September, it is still there.

I thought I was catching up on life and boom! No. Not at all.

Doesn't that sound good? I don't quite understand what you mean and I don't mean to be indiscreet. I just want and hope it's okay with you!

I am so glad you like the comments. It is fun to engage with you as you appear interested in what I am saying. It feels like I am having a conversation that we have been carrying on for years! :) Gosh, I met you so long ago, Dan. Long ago in social media years.

I have never been good at lengthy posts, mine are shorter and less personal most times. I cannot tell you why except that I don't have exciting things to write about. Most times. People don't want to hear if I go on an exotic vacation, and why would they? Most don't want to see something that may be out of their price range. Can I blame them? Sometimes it is fun, but, I want everyone to feel comfortable, so I try to keep it more generic. Most times. Sometimes, I just go ahead and write something different.

Have they given you medication for this? Beta Blocker or channel blocker? Although it is a long-term condition, he probably gave you guidelines on how to manage it. This will help you to continue a long and active life. There are things that you can do that will help you manage your condition, lower your risk of stroke and relieve any of your worries.

I have never been good at lengthy posts, mine are shorter and less personal most times.

This is where I'm confused too. First of all, I ask myself from the very beginning why would anyone be interested in my life, ours. On the other hand, everything I read here refers to what the author has done before. Almost all of us write the same... unfortunately, I can't really write generalities but I'm ashamed to write about myself as if I'm praising myself. I don't want that but when I see comments from which I understand that even my modest lifestyle and level of possibilities is not accessible to some people, I am ashamed...

You've seen it too, I love to tell stories about my favorite coffee shop and coffee. It's a pleasure of ours and not exactly cheap. For what I pay for two cappuccinos at the cafe I could drink 60 Nesspreso-compatible coffees at home, but I love going to the cafe. Someone commented that a cappuccino seems to be very good, that there are many coffee shops where she lives but she has never had a cappuccino because it is too expensive..., and I was ashamed that I wrote so much about my coffee... I would have liked to write about someone else, not me, but I don't know how to do that.

About long and short posts! I write long posts not because I have a lot to say, I go on and on with all sorts of flourishes and superfluous stuff. Lots of work that nobody cares about. I try to look for as minimal a format as possible, after all, my last post (on Market Friday) produced a $6 payout for almost 1800 words, I say that because I keep trying to find a match between value, size, effort, and reward. I can't find it! Then, logically, I have to find the formula where I put less effort and time because the rewards will be almost the same...

I mention rewards because they are important to me. I think for most people here. I think of accumulating this money as a reserve fund, for special needs... I've actually used some of the money and it's come in very handy. That's what I've wanted to ask your opinion about for a long time. I don't have time to go into it now, but maybe another time.

As for heart medication, I have a blood anticoagulant (for the rest of my life), a blood pressure medication, and a cholesterol medication.

I mention rewards because they are important to me. I think for most people here. I think of accumulating this money as a reserve fund, for special needs... I've actually used some of the money and it's come in very handy. That's what I've wanted to ask your opinion about for a long time. I don't have time to go into it now, but maybe another time.

I didntvwant you to think I didnt see this. You can direct message me on discord at @dswigle3637 or email me. Or just ask. You know you can ask me anything.

I hope yoor week is going well.