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RE: Market Friday at Ikea

in Market Friday2 years ago

hahahaha I'm not into shopping that much too... I only go to the mall when I have something to buy if not, I stay away from it. The maze of Ikea will make you get lots of stuff that you don't really just, but I like their styles on storages hahaha

I do like to upcycle furniture. Buy old and make it pretty.

haven't tried that yet.. hmm looks like I've got something new to try...

thanks @littlebee4 have a great weekend sweetie


Yep, I’m the same… I rather go and explore things, on walks or into nature 😉 much better time spend.

Yes, do… a thrift store or charity can help.
Like buy a cabinet or chair. Sand it down and paint it in some amazing colour or even colours.
I love doing that 🥰
I even collected pallets along the road until I had enough to take them apart, sand the wood and build a coffee and dinner table. Still have them 😉🤓 they are in my posts somewhere…

You are welcome sweetie 👋🏻☀️😁 thank you so much!
Enjoy yours too.