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RE: Market Friday at Ikea

in Market Friday2 years ago

Yep, ikea is one of those stores it takes ages to get through… especially trying not to buy more.
When we go we plan it, go to that area or aisle and leave as fast as we can hahaha 🤣
But we don’t like shopping in general.
I do like to upcycle furniture. Buy old and make it pretty.

Such a fun post. Shopping and food… great combo!
Thanks for sharing @eylz619 😁


hahahaha I'm not into shopping that much too... I only go to the mall when I have something to buy if not, I stay away from it. The maze of Ikea will make you get lots of stuff that you don't really just, but I like their styles on storages hahaha

I do like to upcycle furniture. Buy old and make it pretty.

haven't tried that yet.. hmm looks like I've got something new to try...

thanks @littlebee4 have a great weekend sweetie

Yep, I’m the same… I rather go and explore things, on walks or into nature 😉 much better time spend.

Yes, do… a thrift store or charity can help.
Like buy a cabinet or chair. Sand it down and paint it in some amazing colour or even colours.
I love doing that 🥰
I even collected pallets along the road until I had enough to take them apart, sand the wood and build a coffee and dinner table. Still have them 😉🤓 they are in my posts somewhere…

You are welcome sweetie 👋🏻☀️😁 thank you so much!
Enjoy yours too.