Exercise and it's effects on mental and physical health

in StemSocial4 months ago

As they always say that health is wealth, we must make sure that one of the first thing we give so much importance is our health. I know there is a lot of demands and expectations to meet and a lot of responsibility to meet but like I said, the truth is we actually need to keep up with our health issues. One of the ways to keep our health fit is through exercise and I strongly believe many of us have heard about what it is but we hardly make use of it actually.

Let me start by first establishing the definition of exercise for us. Exercise as we all know is defined as any body movement that engages your muscles and burns calories. The health benefits of regular physical activity are difficult to discount. Everyone can profit from exercise, irrespective of age, gender, or physical capability. Moving your body also has a substantial impact on mental health.

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Regular exercise has been shown to help our body and health in general just like I said and it ranges from increase energy and enhance mood. It may also be linked to many other health perks like reduced chronic disease risk. People who exercise regularly tend to do so because it provides an immense sense of well-being. They feel more energetic during the day, sleep better at night, have sharper memory, and feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives.

Regular exercise can profoundly benefit depression and anxiety. Not only that but It also relieves stress, improves memory, promotes better sleep, and lifts overall mood. You don't need to be a fitness enthusiast to experience the benefits. Research shows modest amounts of exercise can make a real difference. Regardless of age or fitness level, you can use exercise as a powerful tool to address mental health problems, boost energy and outlook, and get more out of life.

Briefly, let us look at some physical and mental impacts of exercise. Some we are aware of and some we are not even aware of but let's look Into it together nevertheless;

  • Exercise controls weight: When you exercise you burn calories. The more intense the exercise, the more calories you burn. Exercising can help you lose excess weight and gain muscle. This overall helps you to stay in shape and in fit.

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  • Exercise boosts energy: Regular exercise can strengthen your muscles and increase your endurance. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. As your heart and lung health improve, you'll have more energy to take on daily chores.
  • Exercise promotes better sleep: Partaking in physical activity helps you fall asleep faster, sleep more deeply, and improve sleep quality. Better sleep brightens your mood and sharpens cognitive function. When you engage in quality exercise, you tend to get quality sleep.
  • Exercise puts the spark back into your sex life: Regular exercise can boost energy levels and give you more confidence in your physique, which may improve your sex life.
  • Exercise and anxiety: Exercise is a natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment. It relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy, and enhances well-being through the release of endorphins. Anything that gets you moving can help, but you'll get a bigger benefit if you pay attention instead of zoning out.
  • Exercise and depression: Exercise is very effective against depression for a lot of reasons. It leads to different kinds of changes in the brain like brain growth, creating new neural pathways and also reduces inflammation. It releases endorphins in your brain that serve as an energy booster and also calms the body and makes you feel good.
  • Higher self-esteem: Regular exercising can really make you feel better about your body and yourself. Setting and meeting exercise goals will give a sense of purpose and achievement, fostering your self-worth and making you feel good about yourself.

As I round up, always remember, it's never too late to start incorporating exercise into your life. Physical activity can also be an effective tool for handling stress and boosting mental health in certain circumstances. Take the first step today, move your body, and unlock the hidden potential for improved physical and mental health. Think about integrating mindful practices such as yoga or tai chi into your routine. These activities unite physical movement with meditation and breathing exercises, encouraging relaxation and emotional control.

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@precab59, thank you for explaining the value of exercise in our lives.

Exercise has not only a great influence on people’s minds but also their bodies; it can combat anxiety and depression and raise self-esteem.

This post should remind everyone that putting your health first and adding physical activity every day are two good ideas to live by.

Keep up this wonderful advice.

Exercise is very important. Excellent topic covered. I have little time to do gymnastics but I do it when I can


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I am so sorry for that. It must have been a mistake from my side. It will not repeat itself again.